Chapter 93

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Lauren is now where to be seen I lost her in the crowded place and Zayn hasn't said I word to Harry and I since he found out that we are a thing. I'm sitting on Harrys lap as we watch a few people play beer pong but I can feel my self getting sleepy.

I lean back on Harry and rest my head on his shoulder. "Are you tired?" He asks in my ear.

I nod my yes instead of speaking I'm too exhausted. "Let's leave then." He says as he gently squeezes my hips. I hesitate for a moment I don't know if I should leave without Lauren since we came together but since I haven't seen her in a few hours I'm guessing she is off talking to some guy so I should be fine.

I stand up and tug down my dress that has risen from my previous sitting position. Harry puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me to the room to get my jacket so we can leave. I grab my jacket off the bed and put it on as we walk out, we are almost out the door but Zayn stops us at the last moment.

"Going so soon?" He asks his words slurred. I decide to keep my mouth shut and let Harry do all of the talking for now.

"Yes." Harry simply states giving Zayn a look but I can't pin what look he gave. They stair at each other for what seems like hours, it's like they are exchanging conversation just through a stair and I'm completely lost.

Harry finally breaks his stair and pushes us past Zayn and out the door. "What was that about?" I ask.

"Nothing Zayn's just drunk and being a dick." Harry says as we step out into the cold air.

Harrys whole demeanor has changed his shoulders are tight and a scowl is placed on his beautiful face. Whatever they were silently saying pissed Harry off and it makes me wonder what made him so mad. I want to push him and ask him what that whole stair down was about but I don't want him to be put in a even worse mood considering tonight's been great for the most part. There was only the little hiccup in the beginning about Harry not telling Zayn about us but now he knows and everything is perfect at the moment.

When we make it back to my room Sarah is asleep and I try to be as quite as I can be as I try to change into my pajamas. "Harry will you un do me?" I ask as I pull my hair to the side to give him more access to my zipper.

His hands skin over my bare skin and to my zapper he slowly undoes my dress making me shiver. The dress drops to my feet leaving me half naked under Harry watchful gaze. Harry quickly takes off his shirt and hands it to me I greedily take it and slip it on.

The alcohol from early has pretty much left my system know leaving me in a sleepy state. "Will you stay with me tonight?" I ask as I climb into my bed.

"Yeah." He bends down and takes off his shoes and then lays down next to me.

Harry wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to his chest. I welcome sleep shutting my eyes to let it take me into a peaceful slumber.

"You mean more to me then you will ever know." He whispers into my ear and gives me a kiss.

The sound of someone typing on the keyboards wakes me up and I see Sarah fully awake typing away on her computer. I turn to see if Harry is awake but he is no longer in my bed, did I dream that he spent the night last night? I look down to see that I'm wearing his shirt so he was here he just left with out me being up.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask taking Sarah attention away from her computer.

"About an hour or so. I was just searching some good places to go look at dresses for today."

"Have we missed the bus?" I sit up frantically as I look for my phone.

"No we have at least an hour its only seven." Sarah says.

"Oh okay. Did you see Harry leave?" I ask.

"Yeah he left when I first woke up he said he had errands he had to run today or something."

"Oh." I say.

I stand up and start do get ready to leave I am so excited to look at dresses for the winter ball even though it would be much more fun if I knew Harry would be going with me.

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