Chapter 28

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Harry walks in and trips over Sarah's bag. I have to shush him to be quite since Sarah is sleeping.

"Is your roommate in here?"


"That's why all the lights are off. At first I thought you just liked to sit in the dark." He laughs and its such a beautiful sound.

"I was about to go to sleep. Thats why I'm in pajama shorts I was about to change my top when you knocked." I motion to my attire.

"I can help you." He moves his hands to the hem of my sweater.

He lifts it over my head in one swift movement leaving me standing in my shorts and my plain white bra that has a tiny silk bow in the middle of the dip.

I remember that Sarah is just near steps away and I try to cover my bare upper half with my hands.

"Why are you covering?"

"Because Sarah is just a few feet away and I'm nearly naked."

Harry takes off his shirt handing it to me. I gasp when I see his body it has the same affect on me as the first time I saw him shirtless.

I look at his toned skin and I feel my stomach stir in heat. He grabs my hand and leads me to my small twin bed. He wraps his arms around me bringing me to his bare chest.

We lay there in peace I listen to the slow steady beat of Harry's heart. After a couple minutes I think Harry thinks I'm a sleep.

"Sweet dreams beautiful." He whispers into my ear.

When I wake in the morning I am wrapped around Harry. Panic runs through me what if Harry freaks out when he wakes and regrets spending the night just like he did the first time.

I try to stay still and not wake him but I am hot and I have to detach from him before I start to sweat.

"Where are you going?" Harry mumbles. He reaches out for me but I swat his hands away.

"No where I'm just hot." I take the blankets off of me and hastily lay back down next to Harry.

I think Harry can sense that I'm in edge. "Is everything okay you are acting strange." Harry says his voice still raspy.

Oh you know I'm just seeing what your mood is going to be like so I can approach it the best I can. "Yeah I'm fine."

I trace my finger around the ink butterfly that lays just below his chest and a little above his stomach.

"What was your first tattoo?"

He looks at me and than lifts up his left arm and points to a outline of a star. I reach up and trace my finger over the ink.

In the past I never felt like tattoos looked good on people. But the ink that is permanently inked into Harry's skin doesn't bother me.

They way it looks on him doesn't look bad it's hot and I am fascinated with every tattoo that is on him. I want to know the reasons why he got each and every tattoo and what they mean.

A knock comes from the door taking me from my thoughts. Who could this be at this time in the morning?

I look over to Sarah's bed and she isn't in it. She must of left earlier and forgot her key. "Sarah you need to remember your key I won't always be in the room." I yell as I get up from the warm bed.

"It's not Sarah it's Lauren."

I turn and look at Harry and I began to panic. "You need to hind Lauren can not find out you are in here."

"No shit." I roll my eyes at his comment.

"Hide underneath the my bed."

"What I won't fit under here."

"Yes you will." I say shoving him under my bed.

"Are you gonna open the damn door?!?" Lauren yells.

"Yeah one moment I'm brushing my hair." I lie.

I wait till Harry is completely underneath the bed and hidden till I open the door. I walk over and open the door to Lauren who looks annoyed because I mad her wait.

"What the hell took you so long?" She asks as she barge into my room.

"I was brushing my hair."

"Who's shirt is that."

I look down at my shirt I don't remember wearing anything provocative. Crap I forgot I'm wearing Harry's shirt.

"Um my dads. He lent it to me when I was in New York and I forgot to give it back to him."

"Oh. Well I'm here because you missed your first two classes and I was worried something was wrong."

I forgot today was Tuesday. I totally lose track of time when I'm around Harry.

"I'm fine Im just not feeling well you know cramps." Okay I feel fine actually better than fine but a white lie won't hurt Lauren.

"Okay well do you want me to miss the rest of my classes we can make a movie day out of it."

"No, no I'm totally fine I actually just want to sleep."

"Okay. Text me when you feel better okay?"


Once Lauren is out the door I can finally breath again. Harry moves under from my bed but hits his knee on the post. He starts cussing like a sailor and I try to muffle my laugh.

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