Chapter 55

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The rest of the week went by reasonably fast and now I just have tonight and tomorrow I will be going to Harry's for a week. No matter how much Harry tried to protest me going to the party I'm not going to listen he can't tell me what to do.

I'm currently doing my hair for the party and trying to convince Sarah to go with me. "I don't want to go I don't know anyone there."

"Neither do I thats why I want you to come with me."

"You know that Zayn guy and Harry."

"Harry and I have to act like we hate each other remember?"

"Oh yeah fine I will go."


I touch up my hair with the straightener and put on my white converse. I'm wearing jeans and a oversized red sweater.

The field is lit up and music is booming just like alway, the familiar black tuck is here. I remember when Harry kissed me against that truck.

"I see Zayn." I blurt out and take Sarah's hand as I drag her to where Zayn is standing.

"Hey Zayn."

"Millie you made it!" He says hugging me.

"Yeah um this is my roommate Sarah."

"Hey." Sarah says giving Zayn a small smile.

"Hey I'm Zayn."

"We'll we are going to go get a drink." I say and walk to the truck.

I hadn't decide that I wanted to drink till right then, I just really didn't want to stand there any longer it was getting awkward. "What do you like to drink?" I ask Sarah.

"Um whatever doesn't matter, do you know how to make a drink?"


"I will make are drinks cause I actually know how to." She says laughing.

As Sarah makes our drinks I can't stop my self but looking around to see Harry. I know once he sees me he isn't going to be happy but hopefully he gets past that so we can have fun tonight. When I finally see him my heart starts to beat faster he looks so sexy.

He is wearing his usually black shirt and tight black pants but he has some time of ripped shirt as a makeshift headband. The way the head band pushes back his messy curls is so attractive.

Sarah hands me a cold cup filled with some type of liquid taking me from my thoughts. I take one more glance at Harry, his eyes meet mind and I can feel his anger from here.

I take a sip of my drink to avoid any more eye contact with him. "Have you seen Harry yet?" Sarah asks so only I can hear.

"Yeah he's over their." I tilt my head over towards Harry, Sarah eyes land on him.

"He seems pissed."

"That's because he is."

"Maybe you should talk to him."

"Yeah I'm good." I look down to my drink its empty did I already drink it all I guess I did.

"I'll make you another one." Sarah says looking at my empty cup.


I try to ignore Harry's burning stair but its hard to stay still when all I can think about is him storming over here and kissing me. Maybe I should take my time I my third drink because it seems that I'm slightly tipsy from drinking my first drink so fast.

"Here you go." I turn to Sarah and she is handing me my now filled drink.

"Thank you."

"Millie." I hear Harry's voice just mere feet away from me. I turn and see Harry standing right in front of me, emerald eyes burning with fire.

"Harry." I squeak. I don't know why I'm suddenly nervous I have the right to be here I was invited and he can't tell me what to do.

"Is it okay if we have a second alone?" Harry turns to Sarah and ask. I'm about to tell him no when Sarah nods her head and steps away.

"Yes Harry?"

"I thought we agreed you weren't going to coming to this."

"No you tried to make me not come but I didn't listen just like you don't listen to me when I ask questions about Niall."

"Why the fuck are you bringing up Niall?" Harry rolls his eyes.

"Because everything I try to talk to you about ends up with you and I arguing and you thinking you will get your way." I take a huge gulp of my drink making it half empty. I really should slow down on the intake of my drinks but it feels good so why slow down?

The liquid is buzzing through my veins and giving me courage it could be stupid courage but courage is courage when it comes to Harry. I need to stand up for my self and not let him think he can just boss me around.

"Why don't you just go back to your room we have a earlier day tomorrow."

"No I'm not going to my room I'm having fun." I say finishing off my drink.

I look around the truck at the alcohol, I can figure out how to make my own drink. I grab a bottle of brown liquid and take a chug out of it, the brown liquid burns as it goes down my throat and I guarantee I made a sour face.

"Did you really just drink hard liquor by its self."

"Yup." I say as I pop the p.

"Harry I thought you were getting me a drink." Ally says interrupting our conversation. She hooks her arm around Harry's and gives him a look thy I'm guessing is suppose to seduce him but really just makes her look constipated.

"Um I was." Harry stutters out as he looks from me to her. Of course he's here with her that's why he didn't want me to come and tried to make me leave just moments ago.

I take another drink of the bottle it stings just as bad as the first time but right now I welcome the pain anything to keep me from crying in front of Harry. What did I expect that since Harry and I were enemies and now friends with benefits he would just stop hooking up with other girls, that's what I get for having high hopes, the higher the hopes the harder the fall.

"Maybe you should take it slow you don't want a hangover." Harry says pointing to the bottle in my hands.

"Maybe you shouldn't tell me what to do."

"Come on Harry lets leave this party its lame anyways we can go back to my room." Ally says with a wicked grin plastered on her face.

"Yeah Harry you should go." I say and turn and walk away from him.

I was right he hasn't stopped hooking up with her, I should really be more surprised. I feel like my heart is sitting in my stomach, this is exactly why I can't feel anything towards him I will just end up being crushed in the end.

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