Chapter 88

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I am very aware of Harrys gaze on me as he watches me cry during the film. I hate crying I front o people but this movie is so sad I can't help it. Charlie, Sam, and Patrick are the best friends and how they watch out for each other is just so cute it makes me cry.

"I'm so happy they found the tunnel song." I say as I wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Me too." Harry says.

"So you liked it then?" I ask.

"Eh it was okay."

"It was way better than okay it's amazing." I say.

"I wouldn't say amazing." He says as he smiles at me.

"I know you're lying you loved it." I say.

"I love you."

"when did you get so cheesy?" I ask.

"I can start yelling and break a few lamps if you'd like."

"No thanks. But it's good to know you still have an edge." I say giggling. His lips travel agonizingly slow down my neck to my collar bones.

The door opens and in walks Sarah making Harry stoping his kissing. "Can we ever get a break?" He says so only I can hear.

"What are you guys doing?" Sarah asks franticly.

"We decide to skip classes and do nothing all day." I say.

"Well not to freak out or anything but our RA is doing unexpected room searches." She says.

"What? How do you know." I ask as I quickly sit up.

"Because I almost got caught in Jacobs room and I saw our RA making her way up to this floor on my way to our room." She says.

"Harry you have to leave." I say.

"What no. She will see me if I leave." He says.

"Then you have to hide." I pull him off of my bed.

"I am not hiding under the bed again." He groans.

"Then you can hide in the closet like you made me." I say and push him into my closet and close the door.

"Do you have a note for missing class?" Sarah asks.

"No I didn't want to go to attendance just to get a note." I say.

"Well you better act sick when she comes in." Sarah says as she flops down on her bed.

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