Chapter 46

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When I enter Lauren's room the movie is all set up and se is snuggled up I her bed with a blanket.

"I brought snacks."

"You got gummy worms!" He says in excitement.

"Yes I know there are you favorite."

"You are the best."

"I know what would you do without me."

"I would be gummy worm less."

I giggle at her as she opens the package and starts to devour her gummy worms. I climb in the bed a snuggle up in the blanket.

"Lauren press play."

"I have to get up to press it you do it."

"No I just say down."

"I'll press play if you give me your pack of gummy worms."


"Yes." She jumps out of the bed and presses play on the movie.

As soon as she presses play she runs and flops on the bed grabbing my un opened pack of gummy worms.

"Did you know you look like a five year old when you eat gummy worms."

"I'm a cute five year old."

I laugh at her response, for the first time in a longtime Lauren has her guard down she isn't acting like she needs to impress anyone she is just being her self.

We end up watching all of the movies she picked out and Lauren ends up falling asleep at one, text Harry that I am on my way.

I climb out of Lauren's bed as carefully as I can I can't wake her. I grab my heels and hold them once I'm successfully out the door than I slip my heels on.

It's deserted outside no one is around but I guess since there isn't a party tonight people are actually in side sleeping.

When I walk up to the dinning hall I see Harry standing out side waiting. "Hey."


He pushes the door open and I walk in, the lights are on but no one I in here its only Harry and I.

"So what do you want to do?"

"I was thinking we could get to know each other. We are "enemies with benefits and I don't even know what your favorite color is."

"My favorite color is lilac."

"Okay,mine is black." I walk over to a table and sit down.

"Now it's your turn to ask a question."

"What is your favorite book of all time?"

"Easy Wuthering Heights." He says a proud look on his face.

"Okay my turn. Have you ever had a boyfriend."

"No I haven't."

"Really not even like a first grade valentine?"

"Nope, my turn. Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes I have a older sister named Gemma."

"Do you have any siblings?" He asks he takes the seat right in front of me.

"No I'm a only child."

"Okay well do your parents live here?" My whole body stiffens one thing I don't want to talk about is my parents.

"Um I pass on that question."


"Do you have a secret talent and if you do what is it?"

"I dance."

It's true I dance well at least I used to dance. When I was a little girl I took ballet and I was actually very good.

"What kind of dancing do you do?"

"I'm a ballet dance but I don't really do it professionally anymore I do it more in my free time for fun."

"Will you dance for me?"

"No never."

"Why not?" He asks his lip pouting.

"Because that's weird and embarrassing."

"No it's not."

"I'm not dancing for you Harry."

"Fine." I stand up and walk over to him, I sit down on his lap and lift his chin up so he is looking at me.

I gently press my lips to his kissing his pouty lips. He tugs me closer to him, his chest touching mine.

Harry's hands rest on my back as to my hands are wrapped in his soft brown curls. No matter how much I want to stay right here in this moment with Harry having him hold me and kiss me I can't.

I have to go back to Lauren's form before she wakes up and sees that I'm not there.

"Harry I have to go."

"No stay."

"I can't if Lauren wakes up and sees I'm not there she will freak out."

"Ugh fine but I'm walking you to her dorm."

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