The White Girl Games

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~Chapter 9: The White Girl Game~

"Alright everyone we are back and we have a new game for you guys and I hope you guys like it, it's called The White Girl Games but we will not say anymore.Other than it involves what White Girls love. Which is Ugg boots, yoga pants, leggings and Starbucks!" I say into the camera

"As you can see we are at Starbucks home of the White Girls and hey look there are some White Girls there." Rider says as I point the camera to show the teenage girls sitting in the corner

All the girls turn and look at us before they quickly hop out of their seats and run over to us.

Yeah we are that famous. But I could tell Dani wasn't having a whole lot of fun when the girls wanted pictures with Rider and I while Dani took the pictures.

Once we finish taking pictures and the girls go back to where they are sitting and we continue with the video.

"So Rider when shall we start?" I ask him as he walks up to the counter to order something to drink

"Wait till I'm in my White Girl mood. You know how I feel when I don't get my Starbucks." He says exactly like a girl and Dani and I can't help but help when he says that

He orders his drink and we sit down and wait. Then we hear Primrose Everdeen.

"I volunteer as tribute." Rider says getting up so quickly he almost knocks over this chair

This isn't The White Girl Game we just want our coffee.

"Beatrice!" A Starbusks worker calls thorughout the restaurant

"I'm Divergent Bitch!" I say and Rider can't help but crack up as I walk up and grab my coffee

If I tried this with my sister she would never do it but with Rider and Dani they would be in on it anyday unless they are sick. She would be in for the coffee not so much the being stupid part.

"Hugh Janus!" Another Starbucks worker calls and all three of us crack up laughing

"Ok who's was that?" I whisper and Dani raises her hand

"Damn man you nasty!" Dani says getting up from her chair as Rider and I continue with fits of laughter

With that we grab our drinks and walk out of Starbucks laughing our heads off.

"Now since we have that little whatever you want to call it recorded...on to The White Girl Games!" Rider says as he walks backwards down the sidewalk as I hold the camera

Once we get to my house we run up to my room and shut the door.

"As you can see guys we are back in the magical place called my room and nows the moment you all have been waiting for The White Girl Games!" I say

"Here we have Jessica!" Rider says pointing the camera at Dani

"Ugg boots in 80 degrees!" She says

"Then we have the underdog Ronda." Rider says turning the camera to face me

"HEYY I'm Ronda and Starbucks is my bae cuzz I don't have a real one!" I say really perky

"And last but not least Boonaynay!" Rider says before he turns the camera to face himself before I take it from him and point it towards him

"Boonaynay here and leggings are awesome becuzzz they make my butt look bigger." He says with so much sas

"Let The White Girl Games begin." I say

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