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"Mommy, I had a bad dream." Rose whispers. I open my eyes and look up at her sorrowful face.

"Come in, Sweetheart, and tell me about it." I squeezed closer to Peeta and Rose came in. Slowly, she began telling me her nightmare.

"It was REALLY scary! I was in some sort of a battle field thing and there were other kids trying to kill me! Only one of us could get out alive, and I was super thirsty. A parashoot-y thing fell down in front of me and there was water in it. I gulped it all down and then some boy threw a weapon at me. It looked like one of the knives Haymitch has. It hit me right in my back and i fell down. Slowly, I died there and I lost the "game". Before I went down though, I heard a cannon fire. Mommy, don't be scared! It was only a nightmare!"

I sigh and start shaking. Now is the time to tell Rose about our arenas. I nudge Peeta and tell him the situation, his eyes going wide. He turns on his side and faces Rose and I. He asks me if we just want to show her tapes or tell her. I want to do both.

Peeta begins, "Rose, that wasn't a nightmare. That was all real to Mommy and I. Well, most of it. That was called the Hunger Games and 24 kids were sent into a arena each year to kill each other and 1 would come out. Mommy and I were in those games twice, and somehow got out both times. We were known as the Star-Crossed Lovers of District 12. I loved your mother YEARS before she loved me back. I was younger than you when I first loved her." I blush, my cheeks turning slightly pink-ish as Rose looks at me.

I say, "We have tapes of it and if you aren't afraid, we are willing to show you them." She nods and gets up to go to the living room, in front of the TV. Peeta and I get out of bed and he grabs the tapes in a sealed drawer in the dresser. He pops it in and he sits down next to me, hugging me. I hug him as we comfort each other. Soon, Prim's reaping was on. I begin to cry.

"That is your Aunt Primrose. She was just one of the most amazing girls in the world. She was the only one I ever cared about, until your father came along." I say in between tears. Rose watches, her eyes glued to the television. She watches Peeta get reaped, then it goes straight to the parade. She gasps as we come on screen.
"That is my Girl On Fire, Katniss Everdeen." Peeta says. He kisses me on my head and pulls me closer. I let him. Rose still watches in awe at us. Then, the interviews come on, skippng the training scores, and I loose it when it was Rue's turn. Peeta gives me a squeeze and I come on, babbling about who knows what. I was bad under that kind of pressure. Then Peeta comes on.

"There must be some special girl back home for a handsome lad like you."

"There is but I don't think she noticed me until the Reaping."

"Well here is what you do. You win, go home, ask her. There is no way she can turn you down now!"

"Well, I don't think it will work in my case, Caesar."

"Why not?"

"Because.... because she came here with me."

I give Peeta a kiss as the crowd gasps and shows a confused me on the camera. I looked stupid! Then i had figured it out and blushed. The buzzer sounded and it was over. Rose paused the tape.

"Did that really happen?"

"Every last bit." I say. Then I cry because that is what I said to Rue when she was dying. Rose will never understand. The games come on and everything goes in a fast forward motion. When we come to the part when Peeta gets his leg cut, he shows Rose his prosphetic leg. She bursts into tears and continues watching.d  When Rue dies, I am motionless and i stare into space at the TV. No need to cry more tears, she is already gone. I find Peeta and I give him lots of kisses as I fix him up. When the part comes where he takes off his clothes and i was a wimp, I blush from utter embarrassment.

"Your mother has obviously gotten over her fear of naked people, because if she hadn't, you wouldn't be here, Rose."

We sit in silence and I watch me kiss him millions more times, and Peeta's eyes lit up each time. Then i went to the feast and Clove cut me. I winced, remembering the pain. Then when I got back to our cave, I collapsed. The time was nearing when the only kiss I felt something was coming on. It came quickly, and I realize it hadn't just been a kiss, we were kissing for almost 10 minutes! It seemed so much shorter in the arena. When we get the the berries, it flies by. It came too quickly. They showed me on the hovercraft, screaming and hollering at people to let me see Peeta. They all refused. The camera watched me watch Peeta die at least 3 times, my face darkening at each time. The victor interviews came on, and the tape stopped. Peeta and I with sighed and gave Rose the tape to the other if she wanted to watch it. That tape had almost everything. Peeta proposing, his interview, the uprisings, the games and all. I somehow knew that we didn't want to watch that. With no words, Peeta and I slip into the meadow and we lay face to face, the sun facing me, lighting up my face. The wind blew his hair. I could tell we were both worried about Rose, watching those tapes. Peeta comes closer and gives me a gentle kiss. I don't know how lips like his could go from so hard and rough to as gentle as a rose petal whenever he wanted. It will always be a mystery. He leans forward and kisses me more, rougher and harder each time. Soon those innocent kisses turned to making out in the tall grass in the meadow. I wrapped my legs around him and put my arms on his hips. Again, I felt we could stay like this forever, wrapped around each other in the tall grass, the wind blowing it. It is getting late, but still we stay together like puzzle pieces, as the sun sets. The night accsends and I hear something. Something at our feet. A human clears it's throat, and we look up. Haymitch is standing there with ..... with .... Gale?!


MAHAHAAHAHA! *evil laugh* Sorry, I feel EVIL today! Maybe it is because of the 110 degrees farenhite (? is that how you spell it? xD) in my area! VOTE! COMMENT!

Peace, Love and Hunger Games,

Hannah <3

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