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I lie in bed in the hospital. Cold sweat covers my whole body. I'm very tired and I want to stop right now. Only the baby boy is born so I must keep going. Peeta keeps cheering me on as the doctors throw tons of orders at me. I feel like exploding on all of them.

"Katniss, it's almost done! You are almost done!" Peeta says, trying to calm me.

It doesn't work. I scream at him the meanest things and don't regret any of it this moment. The nurses and doctors coax me some more. I hear a cry and relax.

"Let me just clean her up for you and bring her right back!" One of the nurses say.

Everyone walks out after making sure I'm okay and Peeta looks at me. I stare back in a hazy expression.

"You did it Katniss. And you still manage to look beautiful." He says, giving me a giant smile.

"I do not!"

"You always look beautiful to me."

He kisses my forehead as two nurses come in with the babies. One has a blue bundle and the other has a pink bundle. The nurse with a blond bob haircut and extremely long legs, hands me the blue bundle I am guessing is the boy. I look into his face and automatically see Peeta's features. He's adorable!

"Good job Katniss. They are beautiful."

"Only because they have your features."

"That's not true. I love you."

"Love you too, Peeta."

He kisses the girl's forehead, then the boy's, then a small peck on my lips.

"There's only one thing left to do." I say.


"We need to name them."

We think a bit and then start distusing.

"I want a name nobody else will have."

"I want a name after a plant. It's a tradition in my family."

We think a bit more.

"You think of a name for the girl, I'll pick one for the boy?"


Immediately, I think of a sweet name that any boy would love to have. A name pops into my head and out my mouth.

"Ashton. Ashton for the boy."

"I like it. How about Iris for her?"

"Perfect" I say, showing a smile and kissing Ashton lightly on his lips. I feel his breathing against mine and I think about how Peeta and I brought this creation into the world. A goofy grin wipes my face. My eyes tear as I think about Ashton's every beautiful feature.

"Are you alright, Katniss?"

"I'm more than alright. I couldn't be happier. WE brought these creations into the world. It's unreal. They are amazing. Thank you."

"You are thanking me?! I'm the one who had all the fun and left you with these monkeys inside of you! I can't thank you enough. Iris's eyes are exactly like yours. Katni-"

"Stop praising me and just kiss me!"

"I have no problem with that!" He says, leaning down slowly to kiss me.

I keep my eyes open to look at the babies. We just kiss until the kids need to feed. Iris has trouble feeding so the nurses feed her with a special bottle. When it's time for Peeta to leave and for me to go to sleep, I can't stop thinking about these beautiful moments. When I close my sleepy eyes, I see the kids' faces in my head. Their small, soft lips. The girl's more indented and sharp lip. The boy's small nose that barely fits the face. Their warm breath against my sweaty and tired skin. As this circles my eyes, even though my eyes are closed, I go into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

Continuing the Lives of Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now