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I have to stay calm. Calm and collected. I won't show Peeta yet. I walk out of the woods with a pale face. People are lining near the fence, waiting to hear if I am pregnant. I speachlessly walk past all of them as they try to read me. I stop when I see Gale. Good. A face I know and can talk to.

"Catnip, why is everyone crowding around the fence?" He asks.

I think I can trust Gale to tell him the truth. He will be the only one that knows.

"Gale, follow me."

I walk and he follows. I walk to Haymitch's place and knowing he will be past out drunk, I walk in. I walk up the stairs and foul achohol reaches my nose. Gale still follows curiously and when we reach a spare bedroom, I close the door and lock it behind us.

"What's happening?" Gale speaks up.

"I have to tell you everything and you cannot tell ANYONE. Hear me out, please."

He nods.

"Okay so lately I have been moody and sick for no apparent reason. At Rose's school, I was super moody. Peeta asked me why and .... I came up with a bunch of reasons. Maybe I was pregnant. I went to the pharmacy where everyone crowded around me after I paid for the pregnancy test. They followed me home and to the fence. I ran under the fence into the woods to get away from them. Gale, I think I'm pregnant. The test was positive. I am pregnant and I just don't know what to do!"

Gale seems surprised and listens throughout the whole rant.

"Catnip, that's great! Does Peeta know? Who knows?"

"Only you so far. I don't know how to tell Peeta and Rose."

"Try sneaking it into a conversation."

I pause. That could work. Gale might be onto something.

"Or you can make it really obvious, like rubbing your stomach, humming to yourself, acting super moody, etc. "

"Thanks, Gale. You are a genius!"

"I try." He responds coolly.

I hug him and he hugs me back. I'm glad we can just be friends again and act normal again.

"Thanks for making me the first to know." He says over my shoulder.

"Your welcome. I'm glad we can just stay friends again."

"Yeah, me too. Come on, let's go."

I break up our hug and unlock the door. There is Haymitch, smirking.

"Haymitch! How long have you been listening?"

"The whole entire time. Congrats, sweetheart." He says.

Haymitch pats my back and I look at him seriously.

"You CANNOT tell Peeta. You CANNOT tell anyone! Not Effie, not my family, not my prep team, not anyone in the capitol. NOBODY. Got it?"

"Got it, sweetheart."

"Stop calling me sweetheart already! I'm not 16 anymore!"

"Alright, sweetheart!"

I roll my eyes and drag Gale out the door. He returns to the house in the victors village he is staying in, and I walk into my own house. Peeta is right where I left him, still stunned.

"Katniss? A--- Are you pregnant?"

I burst out crying again and sit next to him on the bed. I don't dare to look at him though.

"Peeta, how many kids do you have?"

He looks at me like I am a fire breathing narwhal.


I hesitate before turning to him and telling him the truth. I sigh, wondering how I'm going to tell him. I hold my stomach as I speak.

"No. You don't have one kid ....... Peeta, I'm pregnant."

He looks at me, into my eyes, trying to figure out if I'm lying. I'm a bad actress, so he will found out the truth through my eyes. He brings me into a hug once he had decided. His lips lightly kiss from my shoulder to my neck. He feels so good. I shiver. I will never understand how those lips could captivate me with one simple brush on my body. I will never understand how frisky those lips could get when they ran free. He looks down at me after he straightens back up.

"Katniss. This is amazing! This is fantastic! I love you so much!" He says, bringing me into another hug.

"How are we going to tell Rose?"

"She'll want to know right away. Let's tell her now. ROSE! CAN YOU COME HERE PLEASE?"

I gulp. The tears begin to dry onto my face. I still hold my stomach as Peeta does the talking when Rose comes in.

"Rose! Guess what?"


"You are getting a little brother or sister! Your mother is holding a baby inside of her. She's pregnant!" Peeta says excitedly.

"So Haymitch was right! You guys were making babies while I was at his house!" She says excitedly.

I will punch Haymitch so hard when I see him again. Peeta still speachless (which is rare) I speak up.

"Rose! What else has Haymitch told you?!"

"He tells me a lot of stuff, mommy! Some of the stuff I couldn't even imagine you and daddy doing! Ewww! He always likes making fun of you guys."

It was my turn to be speachless and Peeta to speak up.

"Rose, how much to you actually know about love?"

"I know that babies are formed when a male and a female-" she coughs. "You and Mommy" she stops coughing and continues "have .... um ........... S-E-X and then POOF! there's a baby!"

I got up immedietly and laughed so hard. For a kindergartener, she knows WAY too much. In kindergarten, I didn't even know what a kiss was. Poof! There's a baby! Oh my gosh! I NEED for her to stop hanging around with Haymitch. At least she didn't add specific details. Then I would have been super creeped out. I don't want to be reminded of what happens when I am with Peeta by my 6 year old daughter! I remember that the most awkward time I had with Peeta is when people from the crowd shouted "Peeniss" at us. Peeta and I looked at each other, shocked and blushing. I remember him telling me that out of all of the relationship names possible for us, we got Peeniss. I laughed and laughed and laughed all night after that. I need to tell Rose that. She will be laughing so hard if she gets it. If not, I have to praise Haymitch. I walk back in the bedroom with Peeta and Rose and begin the story. After the first sentence or two, Peeta gets what I am explaining and laughs. I tell her our ship name is Peeniss and she runs out of the house, laughing so hard I think she may pop!

She screams before exiting; " You guys were just so meant to be! The ship name proves it! That is so legit true!"

Peeta's laugh dies down after she exits and I giggle a bit.

"Poof! There's a baby!" I say to Peeta.

He hugs me and laughs a bit more. I feel his laughter and vibration on my head; coming off his chest. Rose will never hear the end of this. Never!

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