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When we arrive in the capitol, it's time to sleep. Peeta, Rose and I are brought to our room. We all take turns changing in the bathroom, and we turn off the lights and sleep. Since there is only 1 bed; Peeta and I let Rose sleep in it, making us sleep on the floor. We spread out a couple of blankets and Rose gives us the pillows. Peeta tucks Rose in and comes back to me. He lets me sleep on all the pillows so i don't hurt myself; therefor hurting the kids. I let him rest his head on me. He picks up his head and looks at me.

"Katniss, I love you."

"I love you too, Peeta."

I lean down to give him a long kiss. Our kissing sounds echo throughout the room, which makes it even better. You can hear clicking noises and popping noises coming from our mouths. You can hear everything in this small room. You hear many different noises coming from our mouths and the way we move them.

"Mommy! Daddy! Stop!"

"Sorry Rose."


The prep team wakes me to get me ready. I'm so tired, I don't pay attention at all. They strip me and shave me until I'm raw. They so my hair in a exquisite bun after trimming my hair about an inch. Venia does my lips a soft baby pink and jewels outline my lips. It makes them pop. My eyeshadow is a mixture of black and greays, with dull sparkles all over. I don't need mascara since my eyes are already dark. This make-up arrangement brings ot my eyes.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it. Thank you."

Octavia pulls out a short, flowy dress that lands in the middle of my upper legs. It is a midnight black color and the same dull sparkles cover the dress. The V neck hangs right above my breasts and only a bit of cleavage is showing. Flavius puts a diamond necklace on me to fill the empty space. Venia tells me to put on some black fishnets and sexy black high heeled shoes. They are about 4 inches tall with a super skinny heel. Octavia puts on a hanging diamond anklet on me. The diamond hangs right before the strap on the shoe. I looked 16 again.

"Can you go get Peeta for us now?"


My heels click on the tile floor and then on the wood floor. I bend down and shake him.

"Wake up sleepyhead. Time to get ready for the interview."

Peeta's eyes flutter open. His pupils get huge looking at my face, and then he scans me over. I blush and giggle a bit.

"Well hello there, Beautiful. How did I get such a sexy angel to wake me up?"

I blush even more. Suddenly, Peeta puts his arms around me and pulls me into a stradle on his hips.

"Peeta, you gotta get ready."

"And I care, why?"

"Because you should."

"Doesn't mean I have to."

He leans upward and tries to kiss me. I lean backwards away from him.

"No kisses until you are ready for the interview."

"Says who?"

"Says me!"

Peeta crashes his lips towards mine and gives me a small, passionate kiss.

"I broke your rule. What are you going to do now?"

I break the short distance from our hips and stradle him, only sitting on him now. He smiles and lets out a groan of delight.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"I'm uhh.... going to ..... kiss you!"

I lightly kiss him and I sway my hips. I rub against him everytime I move. He groans again, only louder. I smile and break apart our lips.

"You broke your own rule you know."

"I know. I can break my own rules. I'm aloud to."

I try to get up, but his hands force me back down.

"Nope. You're staying."

I roll my eyes and he gets up, only picking my up bridal style instead of leaving me.

"You are coming with me!"

"I already had my turn! Peeta!!!"

He laughs evily and I put my head in my hands.

"Oh Peeta. "

Suddenly, he puts me on his shoulders, so now I'm doing a piggy back ride on him. The prep team walks out to see if we are okay and takes in the scene around them. Octavia sighs.

"Oh guys .... Peeta, put down Katniss. Katniss, come with us. We need to fix your lipstick again. It's all messed up."

Peeta puts me down and I walk over to them again. Venia does my lips again and then calls Peeta in. I exit the bathroom and sit on our "bed"

"Mommy .... "


"Mommy, why are you and Dad always kissing? What was that this morning?"

I sigh.

"We always kiss because we love each other. This morning, daddy was just acting a bit strange. Nothing to worry about."

"Why don't you always kiss me? I love you and you love me!"

"It's a very different situation."

"Mommy, why was Daddy groaning?"

"He was happy."

"I don't groan when I'm happy. I smile or laugh."

"Well, it's a different kind of happiness. It's different when someone is loving you and your happy, Rose. When your a teenager, you'll understand what I mean.

Rose is silent. She's called into the bathroom. I tell Peeta the questions she asked and he shrugs it off. She's probably just curious. When Rose is done, we walk to the interviews and wait for our names to be called.

Continuing the Lives of Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now