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I wake up on a metal hospital bed in a small, dark room. I am hooked up to at least 3 IV's and monitors behind me beep. My hair is down and I have a huge headache. I close my eyes and think about what had just happened. I had told all of Panem I was pregnant with twins and coughed up blood. Blood was oozing down my chin as I blacked out. I had no emotions what - so - ever though. The door clicks open slowly and a doctor comes in.

"Miss Everdeen? I'm afraid we need to do a bit of surgery to one of your babies. If we don't, it might not survive. The girl has a serious problem that we might be able to fix. Don't get your hopes up though. The procedure will take place this afternoon at 2:00."

I feel my stomach and nod. I can't speak.

"In the mean while, do not cough. Blood will emerge again from the girl and make it worse."

I nod again and he walks out of the room. I lay back on the pillow and close my tired eyes. Suddenly, a song comes to mind.

Just close your eyes

The sun is going down

You'll be alright

No one can hurt you now

Come morning light

You and I'll be

Safe and sound.


I force open my eyes.

"Rose. How's my baby girl? You did great last night! The crowd definatly loved you."

"Mommy, what's wrong?"

Sighing, I tell what I know.

"Just a problem with the baby girl. I'm having surgery this afternoon to try and keep her alive."

"Will I have my baby sister?"

"I-I don't know yet. Why are you here alone? Where's your father?"

"He's just getting you a surprise!" She giggles and sways her hips.

"For me? Do you know what it is Rose?"

"I do! I can't tell you though, daddy told me not to."

"Are you sure you can't tell me?"


"Alright. Come sit with me."

I move over and pat the metal bed next to me. I pick her up because she can't reach and plop her down next to me. I kiss her on the cheek and continue our conversation.

"How is school? Have any friends?"

"It's pretty good actually! I have one friend I guess."

"What's her name?"

"It's a boy."

"You are just like your mother. What's his name?"


"Is he in your class?"

" ..... no. He is 2 years older than me."

I can't help but think of Gale and I when we were young. 2 years apart exactly.

"How'd you meet him?"

She looks away and pretends to be interested in the room.

"Rose? Is there something wrong?"

"Hmm? No I'm just a bit tired. We ran into each other outside on the secret trail. I knew right then he was a going to be a good friend when I saw him in the woods. Then we introduced and each day we hung out in the woods."

Again, I think of Gale and I. We ran into each other in the woods. We hung out each day after school, hunting.

"Do you guys only hang out in the woods behind the school?"

"Yeah, only there."

"How would you like it if I brought you and Julian to my secret spot in the woods outside of 12 sometime? I can teach you guys how to gather and hunt."

"I would love that! He will be so thrilled! When he found out that I was you and daddy's kids, he was excited. He said you are role model of his."

I have to admit I blushed. Why would anybody want to be me? Right now, I wouldn't even wanna be me.

"I think I'll enjoy your friend." I day, smirking.

"I think you will too, Mommy! I can't wait to tell him!"

I smile, thinking I finally made somebody happy. We just sit there snuggling each other. I be careful not to move any of my IVs. Peeta walks in after a while with flowers. I thank him and we give an awkward hug to each other since Rose is in between us. Life is perfect .... until I am getting preped for surgery.


Sorry for the quick chapter! I am getting ready to go camping so I won't be posting part a part of my stories for a bit! Sorry! I'll spam you with parts when I get back! :) <3 Thanks for the feedback guys, really! <3 Love you all!

Peace, Love and Hunger Games,

Hannah <3

Continuing the Lives of Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now