CHAPTER 29 ((teaser chapter))

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I wake, the sun is in my eyes. So is my hair. I blow my hair and it rises up each time I blow. I do this for five minute a, entertaining myself and Peeta walks in.

"Having fun?"

"Having a blast." I mimmick.

He comes over and wipes the hair out of my eyes.

"Way to ruin the party, Peeta."

Then, he takes all my hair and throws it over my face. I can see his face smiling and lit up, above my thick, long hair. I begin to blow again and can't help but giggle as I do so.

"Come on Katniss, no more party! Let's get up. Rose is waiting an-"

Just as he says that, the babies cry out.

"And so are the twins." He finishes

I shoot out of bed and rush to the kids' rooms. I calm them down while Peeta brings Rose to school. Ashton needs a diaper change. Ugh. I grabbed him and went to change him on the couch.

"Come here, boy. It's alright, it's just a diaper!" I hollar while he wiggles.

After that, I go into the room again to find Iris .... out of her crib. With paint around her mouth. Her face is pale and all the life was sucked out of her. I thrust Ashton down, pick up Iris and run to the front door.


In her small hand is a fistful of nightlock.

"PEEEETTTTAAAA!!!" I scream.

I sound like I'm being murdered. Tears stream down my face, making my mouth salty and warm with the liquid. I look at Iris to find her still slightly breathing, a bit of blood dripping from her little mouth, down her colorless face.




I can't finish. I hear him running as fast as he can to our house.


I see him run from the corner and bursts up to me, his eyes teared and sweat pouring down his forehead. He grabs Iris and pushes on her chest.

"Go call the hospital! NOW!" he demands.

I don't hesitate. I book it into the house and call the doctor, telling him what happened. The baby boy is crying in the other room, but it's easy to ignore him in this situation. The doctor clears his throat and tries to say nicely;

"She'd already be gone. I can't come in time. I'm sorry."

Then he hangs up, leaving me with a white phone noise.

Continuing the Lives of Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now