Chapter Two

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Hello everyone. Is everyone enjoying their summer so far? I hope so! I tried to make this chapter longer than the last chapter. Chapter 2! Enjoy!


John's POV

I brought the last bag in the hotel room and put it down. "That's the last one" I said.

"Thanks John" AJ smiled. I loved that smile. It was so sweet. She was just so flawless. I smiled.

"So, if you want, you can take a shower and put on some fresh clothes" I said. She nodded and proceeded to get fresh clothes and head to the shower.

I then heard a knock on the door. I answered it and came face to face with my good friend, Randy.

"Hey buddy" Randy said with his bag in hand. "Can I get a ride to the arena? My tour bus was suppose to he here but its still in the shop. I will pay you" Randy said.

"No need to pay me. You know you can get a ride." I said letting Randy in. He then saw the extra bags.

"Who's bags are these? I thought you didn't have a room mate." Randy said.

"I met this girl, AJ, 2 days ago and she was walking alone at like midnight. She couldn't go back home and I let her crash here. I then took her home and her dad chose his girlfriend, or whatever over AJ and basically kicked her out and she has no where to go so she will be staying with me, but the truth is Ran, I like her" I said.

Randy stood there speechless. He looked so wordless which is a shock.

"Well, have you told her?" He asked finally getting words out. I shook my head.

We heard the door to the bathroom and out walked AJ. She had on a black tank top, blue skinny jeans, and black converse. She looked amazing.

"Hello, I am Randy" Randy said offering to shake her hand. "I am AJ, and I am a big fan" AJ said shaking his hand giving him a warm smile.

"John, you didn't tell me AJ was hot" Randy said giving AJ a smile. AJ then tried to hide her face but we all saw her cheeks redden.


I had to blush. I mean come on, its not everyday, Randy Orton says your hot. "Thanks"

"No problem" Randy said to me. "We need to get to the arena. Let's go" John said grabbing his bag. Randy did the same.

We then made our way to John's car. John and Randy sat up front and I sat in the back. Randy turned on the radio and "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea.

"This is my song!" Randy said which I laughed at. We all started singing it.

I'm so fancy

You already Know

I'm in the fast lane

From L.A to Tokyo

We pulled up to the arena. We then got out. I was nervous. No one knows me and I am about to meet a lot of people.

We then walked through the arena. We walked among various crew members trying to make everything in place.

We stopped at the Men's locker room. "I am going to put up my bags and we can go to catering and get some food" John said as he went inside.

I then got out my phone and played Temple Run. I was playing until someone bumped into me and made me fall.

"I am so sorry" The lady said. I looked up to see Kaitlyn, And The Bella Twins. Kaitlyn held out her hand. I took it and got up. I dusted myself off.

"I haven't seen you around. Are you a new NXT Diva?" Brie asked as she handed me my phone which I dropped.

"No, I am a friend of John Cena" I said. They nodded. "So, I am Celeste, This is Brianna and Nicole" Celeste said introducing all of them.

"Hi. I am AJ. Big fan" I said smiling back at them. "Cool. So you want to go get some food?" Nicole asked. I nodded.

We then all walked down the hall and finally reached catering. I saw mostly every superstar and diva there.

We then made our way to a table with 5 other girls. "Hi girls, this Is our new friend, AJ" Celeste said. I waved and they all waved back.

I then made my way to the food and got some chicken. "Excuse me, is this Free Range chicken? I don't eat factory chicken " I said.

"Yes." Brie said. "I don't eat factory chicken either" Brie said. I nodded. "Most people don't so I am glad I found someone that does." I said. Brie smiled at me.

I ate my chicken and met the other Divas. It was so cool meeting them in person. We talked for like 30 minutes until they had to leave to get ready for their big Diva match.

I walked around backstage until I bumped into a big guy. I looked up and saw Roman Reigns.

"Hi. Don't think we have met. I am Joe" He said. "Hello, I am AJ. I am a big fan of the Sheild" I said.

He chuckled. "Well enjoy it while you can, we are splitting tonight. Seth is joining evolution." Joe said.

I made a sad face. "That sucks but good luck out there." I said and skipped off.

I then ran into John. "Hey, I was looking for you." He said. He looked hot in Neon in person.

"I met some friends. I love it back here" I said. He smiled. "Cool. And back to what I was saying, do you want to go on a date tonight?" John asked.

"John, I would love too" I said. He smiled. "After the show" He said. I nodded. "Good luck on your match" I said and skipped off.


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