Chapter Twelve

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I grabbed my duffle bag out of the car and made my way inside the Performnace Center. I'm here alone because John had a press conference. I took deep breaths before waking in. It was abosloutly amazing. Multiple wrestling rings and it looked so cool. I seen a guy walk over. "Name?" he asked. "April Mendez."

He smiled and led my to a hall where there were locker rooms. "Get changed in there and come out to where the rings are. I nodded and walked inside and saw more women. Maybe about 20 more. They were all changing and talking. They saw me and waved. I waved back. I went to an empty locker and put my bags down. I saw other women changing out in the open. I chnaged and put on some work out clothes. It was going to be a long day or 2.

I made my way out with many other women and we went to were, I'm guessing the coach was and took a seat. "You have all been selected to be here because the exectives at WWE HQ thinks you have wresting talent. For the next two days, you will practice moves and work on promo skills. It's going to be hell, it's not going to be easy. Are you ready? Now, what's the first rule in wreslting?" He asked. No one raised their hand. I raised my hand. "Always dust your feet off before entering the ring. It's a sacred place and you don't bring dirt into the sacred place that is a wrestling ring." I said. The coach nodded and continued the rules.

He then had us do some simple stretches to get our body for what it was about to go through. We did so many drills and techniques and we did so much. It was a lot of work. After the tryout, I went back to the hotel. I checked in and went in. I looked at my bed but I saw a big lump under the blanket. I screamed and went to the bed and removed the blanket.

I was ready to kill someone but it was John and he had a picnic basket. He smiled and I laid on top of him, kissing him. We parted. "Babe, what are you doing here?" I asked. "I got in a hour and wanted to surprise you." John smiled. This man was absolutly amazing. "Babe, go take a shower and then we'll tak about your day and eat this delicious picnic." John told me. I nodded and went to the bathroom to shower. After I got out, I told John about the tryout and we both ate the picnic he made. After, we cuddled and went to sleep.

The next day, I was back at the Performance Center. Today, we were working on promos. Every Diva gave a promo. They were pretty good but when it was my turn, I gave it my all.

"Hello WWE Universe, You may all think I'm just another basic Diva that only cares about nails, hair extensions, and pink. I'm a girl that likes video-games and I'm mostly a nerd. I like action and Chuck Taylor's. It's time that I redefine the word Diva. I'm not here to eye candy, or be some petty chick, or suck up to anyone; I came here to wrestle. It's been a dream of mine and I won't stop until I reach the top. You will forver remember the name; April Mendez."

Everyone clapped and I smiled. For a second, I thought I was actually in front of an audience. I was the last one to do a promo. The couch then said. "Alright ladies, thanks for the time. We will let you know if you make it in or now soon. Clean out your locker and head home. Thanks for your time." After that, every Diva went to the locker room and packed their stuff and headed away.

I got outside and looked back at the Performance Center. "Soon, you'll be my second home." I said and got in my car and drove back to my hotel room.

Next Week: Christmas Day

I woke up and realized it was Christmas morning. "John, wake up! It's Christmas!" I yelled like a little kid and I hit him in the head with my pillow. He sat up and smiled. "I'm up. Merry Christmas babe." John said and kissed me softly. We parted. "Merry Christmas to you too."

We got out of bed and ran downstairs and sat in front of the huge tree in the living room. "Okay babe, I got this for you." I said and handed him a gift. he opened it and inside; some cologne, a new watch, some shirts, and some bracelets. John smiled. "Babe, how much did all this cost? This cologne is like one of the best kind out there." John looked at me.

"Don't worry about it. You are such a perfect man, it was worth it." I replied. John smiled and gave me a soft kiss. "Open yours." He said. I opened the first box, it was small. It turned out to be a gold necklace, that said, "AJ." It was so cute. The second box was a pair of customized Chuck Taylor's with a picture of me and it had my name. The next box had some cute jeans and shirts. It doesn't sound like a lot but it all meant so much to me. "Thanks babe. I love it all." I said, giving him a huge hug.

We were currently telling each other Christmas stories when we were children. We were also drinking some delicious hot cocoa.. My phone rang. I answered it and what I heard on the other end was very shocking. I nodded and the huge smile never left my face. "Yes, thank you." I said and hung up. I looked at John. "What?" He asked. "John, you are looking at the new NXT Diva!" I screamed.


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