Chapter One: Mind Flayer

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"Jacqueline, remember-." I cut off my 'protector'. "No, going crazy like last time I know, and my name is Rory" He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well since you seem ready, time to go." He cuffed my hands together. I smirked evilly, "Show time."


"Mike!" Will, Dustin, and Lucas ran up to Mike who was walking to the entrance of the school. "What, what's wrong!?" He asked urgently. "There's a new kid!" Will butted in, "It's a girl too!" Mike gave them a weird look. "Since when are you guys interested in a girl?" "Ever since she came to school with the government!" Dustin interjected. Mike looked at the entrance of the school and sure enough there was a girl being lead into the school, with a bunch of government officers around her. "Let's go we'll be late for class!" They all ran into the school and watch the girl as she walked to the principal's office.


I walked into a science room with my 'protector'. I raised a eyebrow all the kids were staring at me. "I'm officer Greg Marshall, this is Rory Peterson, I assume that you're Mr. Clark?" "Yes that's me." I elbowed Greg lightly giving him the signal that I didn't want to stand anymore. "*Ahem*, right, these are in case she gets twitchy." He pulled out a small sedative bottle, jokes on him I filled it with water. I started to walked to a empty seat, but got pulled back by my hood. "Not so fast, here at Hawkins middle school have a special way of introducing new students, Dustin." A curly haired boy took out a book and started to do a drum roll. "Welcome our newest, student on our learning journey experience... miss Rory Peterson!" I kept walking to the empty set behind a kid with black hair and wearing a sweater, I pulled up my black hood, he and six other kids sitting around him turned back and looked at me. I looked at book that was sitting on Mr. Clark's desk, I made it fall on the ground with my smoke it made a loud smack! "Jane what did we talk about?" A girl with curly short hair shrugged and said, "I didn't do it." I rubbed my eyes. "Jane?" I could tell this was getting interesting. "I didn't do it." Okay fun's over. "Listen if the kid says she didn't do it she didn't do it." I shrugged my shoulders and walked over and picked up the book and placed it back on the desk. "There problem solved." I walked back to my desk, I looked at the clock it read 3:29. "3...2...1" I snapped my fingers as the bell rang out, I walked out. I saw the same six kids whispering, they turned a corner and down a hallway, 'Things are about to get interesting again.' I thought to myself. I turned the corner, to see a fake version of one of my 'dad's' soldiers. I poked it and walked around it. "Yep definitely fake, they would have killed me by now." I poked it again it fell over. I kept walking down the hallway, I heard whispering coming from a room, I read a small sign, 'Audio Visual Room' I jiggled the doorknob the whispering stopped. I took a hair pin from my hair, and a piece of wiring and put them into the lock. The door unlocked, no one was there. "Oh I thought there was someone in here, oh well might as well go play with a demidog~." I sang while twirling my hair. Just then as I was about to leave, a curly haired boy wearing a green Waupaca shirt stood up. "You know about demidogs!?" I decided to use a little trick that I use on a police officer when I was ten. "Yeah, his name is Oliver, he has a light speckled spot on his back side and was born without back legs." I clapped my hands together. "Welp I should go, enjoy your time with um... yourself, and if you don't mind me asking have you ever wanted to fly?" He smiled the frowned. "Yes and no, yes because it's flying, who wouldn't want to do that and no because-." I cut him off. "Did you hear that?" He looked around and started stuttering, "Uh-h-h-h n-no w-why i-is there something to be scared of?" I smiled at him. "Only me... and my 'dad'." I whispered the last part to myself. "What." "What?" "Rory! If you want five minutes we have to go now." Greg walked in from outside. "Right, bye." I waved to the boy and ran outside to the car. "Someone's excited." Greg sat down in the driver's seat as he put the keys into the ignition. "I have some... things I want to discussed with my father." I cracked my knuckles. Greg chuckled. "You gonna burn him down again?" "Even the underworld doesn't have fire stronger than what I have planned for him." Greg sighed as we pulled out of the parking lot. "The only reason we let you see him is because you're the only one that can keep him in check." I looked at the rear view mirror, the same six kids were there. "After the visit can we maybe go to the arcade." I rolled up my sleeves. "I think that's the most human thing I've ever heard from you." I sighed. "Yes or no?" "Fine." I smiled. "You setting a trap for those kids?" He joked. "Just testing something, it won't hurt them." Greg turned on the radio, a rock band the clash was playing Should I Stay or Should I Go? Ironic right?


We arrived at Hawkins biggest tree. "Go ahead I'll be out here if anything goes wrong." He pulled out a gun and hid behind his car in the bushes. I sighed, I looked at the tree. I closed my eyes and heard the tree splitting apart, I opened my eyes the tree was split apart gray strands of slime covered it like a ladder. The red 'door' flashed like if fireworks were going off in a heartbeat rhythm. I walked through the gate, I took a deep breath and exhaled. I took my backpack and took out a book. "Mythical Creatures." I flipped through the pages. "Random creature." I closed my eyes and placed my finger on a random spot on the page. "Dragons? Fire breathing, sharp claws, strong jaw/bite. Perfect!" I put the book back in my bag. I pulled up my right sleeve and placed two fingers on my 012 tattoo that I was 'born with' I whispered. "Dragon." I felt my form change, I grew a tail and scales, my fingers turned into claws and my whole body was covered in black and teal scales while my black wings had teal swirls and small ripped open parts of skin. "Dad!?" I roared out. I waited, a dark black storm cloud started to form, red lightning bolts flashed through them, I see, him my 'dad'. "Jackie how's my little demon~." He cooed. I laughed sarcastically. "I've been better, now since I've been here for a while I've been hearing people talk about how a boy named William Byers came back to life even though some kids had claimed that a creature from a board game had come to life and took him someplace, know anything about that." I growled and smoke started to rise from my snout. "Can't say that I do." "His friends had call the place 'The Upside Down' and they call the creature a Demogorgon, and also its face opened up like a flower, reminded me of Oliver." I sat on my hind legs and crossed my scaly arms. "Alright you caught me, I just wanted to have more power, I wanted to rule another dimension, you could have this one while I take over the other one?" He held his smoky hand out. "What do you say?" I took a deep breath, I felt my throat become hot as I exhaled a mouth of fire all around me and at the blood worms. "Does that answer your question?" I growled and in a puff of smoke I was my original form I walked back to the gate. "You know you can come back anytime." I sighed. "I know." I walked out, I was covered in slime and snow looking particles. "Ewww." I looked at my slime covered clothes. "Hehe shower night kid." I groaned. "Fine let's go home." Greg laid down some blankets in the passenger's seat. "We can go home and you can shower then we can go to the arcade." "I totally forgot about the arcade." I laughed.


"Mike are you sure that Rory is gonna be here?" Lucas spoke over the sounds of all the arcade games. "It's where we found Max." "I'm a girl who just happens to like arcade games." We were about to argue about last year. "Great, I lost thanks a lot Lucas." "Me what did I do?" "You distracted me." "Guys she's here." Will butted in. Mike looked over and sure enough Rory was walking in and over to the really hard games.


I looked over and saw the same group of six kids at school, I walked over to a section of games that were open. I walked up to one. "Pac Man." I read aloud. I put in fifty cents and started to play, the directions came up.

How To Play

Avoid the ghost

If you eat one of the four large white dots you can eat the ghosts

Get as many points (White dots) as you can without getting touched by a ghost

Have fun!

The game started, I used my power and made all the ghost go in the other direction as the way I was going, some kids passing by stopped and watched me play. I got a large white dot in the corner and ate all the ghosts all at once. Then it went to the next level, and from that to the next. Then the six kids came over and elbowed their way through the crowd. "Wow, no one has ever gotten this far before." He broke my concentration, the ghosts started to come towards Pac Man, I took a left turn a blue ghost got me. "38,473!? Nobody can get that high of a score!" I smiled at the boy with black hair. "Then I guess call me nobody." He smiled. I heard a car honk. "Will your mom is here." I looked at a boy with brown hair who looked like he was about to throw up. "You, okay kid?" I put my left hand on his shoulder. "Uh yeah, I gotta go, bye guys." He walked out of the arcade, I was about to go back to Pac Man and try again but the a strong hand was placed onto my shoulder. "Whoa whoa whoa, where do you think you're going?" A familiar voice joked. "I just wanted to relax and play Pac Man." I grabbed his hand and spun around. "And now you're a blairena." I let go of his hand. "Nopes the way out." I pointed to the doors of the arcade, Greg laughed as he kept trying to get me to spin again. "I found one place you might like to go for dinner." "Where?" I asked curiously. "Just get in the car." I chuckled and opened the door and sat down in the passenger's seat and buckled up, I closed the door and turned on the radio. I started to feel my eyelids become heavy, then I let sleeps sweet embrace envelope me.

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