Chapter Ten: Welcome Home

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"Jack, Jet, Jackie take care." Kali walked up and hugged each of us. "Jackie take care and tell Jane to come visit." Kali whispered. "I will." Jackie whispered back. "And keep the boys in check." Jackie chuckled. "I will." "Well Jackie show me what you can do." Jet smirked. Jackie ran towards a wall and opened a gate. "Let's go." Jackie smiled.


"How much longer?" Jet whined. "If you want to walk home be my guest." Jackie turned her black dragon head around and looked at Jet. "Tree." Jackie looked back and saw a huge pine tree coming into view. "Jerk." "Dragon." Jackie snorted out a puff of smoke and fly into it Jet and Jack started coughing. "What did I do to deserve this." Jet expressed dramatically. Jackie chuckled. "Jack are you okay you've been awfully quiet." Jackie looked back at Jack. "I'm fine." He mumbled. "Okay if you say so."


Jackie ran to her old house and kicked down the door. "Home sweet- *cough* *cough*, so... much... dust...." Jackie wezed. Jet chuckled. "Hey do you think we could still live together." "I don't see why not." Jackie walked around the house. "It's exactly the way I left it... in shambles!" Jackie sarcastically. "Um I thought you cleaned it?" "Nope!" Jackie walked around the house and used her smoke to clean up. "Well don't just stand there help. If you two are going to be living here you need to at least pitch in and help." I flinched a shard of glass at Jack. "Be careful you could hurt someone." Jackie smirked as he threw it back at Jackie. Jackie's hand twitched and a smoke wall was infront of her. "Is that so?" Jackie smirked and made four tentacle like arms appear from her back. "Oh crap." "What you scared of your girlfriend?" "When she's like that then yes!" Jet screamed and ran out the house. Jack opened a portal and Jet ran through it not being able to stop before going in. "Now where were we?" Jack smirked. "Oh no." "What." "You have that devilish look in your eyes." Jackie backed away against a wall. "Is that so." Jack was right above Jackie their faces were centimeters apart. Jack teased Jackie and pulled back. "We should clean up the house." Jack whispered and smirked at Jackie's expression. "Yeah." "Cause if I'm going to be living with you then this place needs to be in shape." "Yeah." "Is that all your going to say." "Yeah." Jack smirked and pushed Jackie against the wall. "So if I asked if I could kiss you?" "I wouldn't stop you." Jacks face flushed a bright red. "I mean it's just a question you would ask someone, right." Jackie smirked and started cleaning again. Jack was confused. "Wait, what?" "You asked if you could kiss me, that was a question." Jackie smirked. Jack's flushed face was beet red. "Stop blushing and clean." Jackie threw a piece of loose fabric at him.


"Well I say we did a pretty good job." Jack and Jackie looked around the now spotless house. "It still looks a little rustic like a shabby sort of thing." "It's shabby sheik, I like that sort of thing." Jackie sighed. "It reminds me of my foster home in New York." "Should we get to work on the upstairs?" Jackie's expression changed. "Can't we do that tomorrow." Jackie whined as she flopped on the couch. "No you need a bed to sleep on." Jackie groaned as Jack tried to pull her up. Jack grabbed Jackie by her wrist and tried pulling her up but Jackie was stronger and pulled Jack down on top of her. "Can we just rest for a while." Jackie groaned. "Fine." Jack admitted to himself that he was pretty tired, within monuments they both fell asleep together.


"Mike do you think we could surprise Jackie when she gets back by cleaning up her house for her?" Jane asked Mike, They both we currently on a double date with Ava and Will. "That would be great, Ava, Will what do you guys think?" "Sounds great, I can't wait to see my sister again." Will looked away. "Will what's wrong." Will stopped and pulled Ava back. "I don't want you to get your hopes up please." Ava sighed and hugged Will then kissed him on the cheek. "I won't get my hopes up, now let's go what better way to have a double date then fixing up my sisters house for her." Ava laughed then started running. "Come on!"


"Guys behind my house, there's a shortcut we can take through a meadow." Mike ran out to the forest with Jane right behind him, then there was a ear piercing screech, a huge shadow flew over them. Ava ran ahead to the meadow, she saw Jack running from the huge shadow. She was about to scream out to him but then Jackie dove down, she had huge eagle wing on her back. "Jackie put me down, if I want to fly I can by myself." "Well I say you will!" Jackie let go of Jack mid flight. Jackie turned into his demigoron and landed on the ground making a giant crater. "Make it a lake!" Jack looked up at Jackie. "Let nature do it for you." Jack flew up and hugged Jackie. "So you going to find them later?" "Why should I when they're already here." Jackie looked over her shoulder, Jane and Ava both ran out with Mike and Will. "Jackie!" Jane and Ava cried. Jackie's eyes teared up as she flew down towards her family.


"If you ever run off like that again I'll!" There was silence, "Ava you'll?" "Oh Jackie I missed you so much!" Ava ran up to Jackie and threw her arms around her. Ava cried into her shoulder, Jackie looked over at Jack and mouthed, "Help me!" Jack smirked and continued to watch. "So Jack how did you find her?" "She said she going with Kali." Jack shrugged. "Well why don't we go find everyone and tell them the good news!" Ava and Jane cheered. "Not yet, I'm still trying to fix the house up with Jack." "Why is Jack helping?" Jane asked. "Because he's going to be living there." Jackie said as she stood up. "Wait, Jack's living at the same house as you!?" Will questioned. "Yeah, is there something wrong with that?" Jackie asked sitting back down on the grass. "Are you two dating now!?" Ava blurted out. "What, no and what do you mean now?" Jack's face showed confusion and impatiens. "Okay were going to go home now." Jackie grabbed Jack's wrist and walked to the white house in the distance.


"Dating why would she think we're dating?" Jackie ranted. Jack shrugged as he continued to clean up. "Like where could she have gotten such an idea!" Jack stopped cleaning up and walked over to Jackie, he turned her around. "Can we just be completely honest we each other!" Jack yelled as he pushed Jackie against the wall. "Y-yeah sure." Jackie mumbled. "Good, I like you Jackie more than anyone!" "Even more then your bratty sister?" Jackie looked up at Jack and smiled. "Even more than her." "Good because I like me more than her too." Jackie smirked and slipped out of his grasp. "That's not wha-." Jackie cut him off by placing her lips on his, Jack tensed up then started to kiss back. Jackie broke away. "I like you more than anything in both worlds." Jackie smiled then kissed him again. "I love you Jackie." Jack whispered. "I love you too."

Stranger Things Story {Ships and stuff}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें