Chapter Four: Home Sweet Illinois

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"Rory, breakfast!" Greg yelled from the kitchen. "Okay!" I yelled back. I groualy got out of bed and walked to my dresser, I put on blue jeans and a oversized white Welcome to the white Marching Band shirt. I walked down stairs and saw that Greg had my bag packed and ready. "I have to do something so I won't be able to pick you up after school. So ask one of you friends if you could stay at one of their houses until six." "You're gonna be out till six!?" "I have a date." "Oh... oh~." I giggled as he pushed out to the car. "Is she pretty? Does she have a nice smile? How's her personality?" "That's enough, I met her last night at a general store." "Oh... do I know her?" "One more question and you running to school!" "Okay geez." There was silence then I turned on the radio.


"Okay you can get out now." I unbuckled myself and walked out towards the doors. "Hey." I looked around but I didn't see anyone. "Over here." I looked in the direction of the voice, I saw her Ava. "What's up?" She smirked, I ignored her, I looked around trying to find the squad. "If your looking for them they're not here." She smirked, I growled and looked over at the bike racks, their bikes were there but they weren't. I walked over to them and took a deep breath, I got there sent. "I'll find them." The bell rang. "Tick-tock." She grinned devilishly and walked into the building. I walked in too making sure she was gone then I took another deep breath and continued to run through the building, until their sent got stronger. I got to the AV room and tried to open the door but it was locked. "Mike!? Guys!? Are you in there!?" I yelled as I slammed my hand on the door. I heard muffled screams. I growled and opened a gate in the wall next to the door, I walked through and my 'dad' wasn't to far away. "'Dad'!" I yelled to him, he quickly turned around and came close to me. "What?" "There's this girl and I want you to take 'care' of her." I emphasized on 'care'. "Say no more." I heard a menacing laugh. "This isn't part of the game." Her voice sent shivers up my spine. "This her?" "Yep." I popped the p. "Who are you?" "You literally told me the whole story of how he hurt you and how you screamed and almost killed me with a lamp!" I yelled at her. Her face went pale blue, "Wait I'm back! NONONONONO!!!" She screamed. "She's your problem now." I said as I ran into the AV room and made another gate while I closed the other one. "Hey." I calmly said while I tried to untie them. "Who that?" I asked as I pulled duck tape off of Mike's face. "Owww! That's Hopper." "Hi, okay this is taking to long." I turned into a tiger and clawed all the ropes off of them. "There." I smiled. "What if we go back out there will that girl be there?" Max asked concerned. "Don't worry my 'dad' is taking care of her." "That girl hypnotized us!" "What!?" "Yeah, first she comes in sweet talking us down and next thing we know that brat has us tied up." Hopper remarked as he rubbed his red rope marks. "Well don't worry my 'dad' has it under control, now let's get out of here." I started to think about this whole thing, she must've thought this whole thing was a game to her. "Umm, Rory!?" "What?" Will pointed to the smoke exiting the vents. "S-sorry." I stuttered, I never stutter. "Hey! The quicker you open this door the quicker I can get to the station." I turned and kicked the door down. "Happy?" I rubbed my eyes as I walked away from all that was happening. "Hey kid!" I trumped around and glared at him. "Don't give me that look." He remarked. "Well I don't have to listen to you you're not my dad." I threw my arms out and walked to science.


I was drawing a picture in the corner of my notebook when. "Ms. Peterson!" A hand slammed down on my notebook making me jump. "Solve for x." He handed me a piece of chalk, I stood up he was in my way but didn't move. "Could you step aside? Please?" I used my most innocent voice. "No." His voice was stone cold and matched his fasad perfectly. "Fine." I spat back. I stepped on Will's desk. "Fine detention." "How do I get detention because you wouldn't get out of my way." I flipped over Mr. Ulm and wrote the answer for x. "It's twelve." The bell rang and we walked out, school was over. "Hey Will is it okay if I come over to your house, Greg has a date and he doesn't trust me being home by myself." "Yeah but we have to go to Mike's house." "Then why did you agree?" "Because my mom has a date too." I stopped in my tracks. "What's wrong?" "You don't think Greg and your mom are dating each other?" "What? no, well maybe let's just go." He continued to the bike rack. I ran to catch up. "Rory, if you want I can give you a ride." I was slightly mad at him for reasons I didn't want to explain. "It's fine I wanted to stretch my legs." I slipped down into the splits. "Will make it a race, first one to Mike's house is the victor." "Deal?" "Deal!"

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