Chapter Five: Hide and Seek

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"Rory, get up it's a school day!" Greg yelled. "Rory?" He walked up the stairs and into Rory's room. "Rory? Not funny come on let's go!" Greg lifted the bed sheets assuming that Rory was still asleep, but she wasn't there. "Rory!" He yelled running through the house trying to find her.


Greg had trashed the whole house looking for Rory but she wasn't home. Greg walked over to the phone and called the school asking if Rory had went to school, they said she had not. Greg hung up and called Joyce at her work. "Hello?" "Joyce it's Greg did Rory stay with you last night?" "Um, not that I know of but I can ask Will if he's seen her." "Okay thanks." Greg hung up the phone and put on his jacket and drove to the police station.


Once Greg had got to the police station he went straight into chief Jim Hopper. "I need you to help me find her." Greg slammed down a picture of Rory. "Why? She your kid?" "What, no I don't have kids." "Okay then why should I help you." Greg pulled out a badge. "I'm with the government." Hopper laughed. "What?" "Last time the government was involved with a missing kid, a girl similar looking to her showed up out of nowhere and they had some messed up stuff to her." "Like what?" Greg questioned now interested in the topic. "Don't remember." "Well just try to find her." Greg stormed out of the station and sat in his car as he drove to the arcade, school was over so maybe she was there.


Greg arrived at the arcade, just as Will and his friends had pulled up. "Will!" "Hey Greg." "Was Rory at school today?" "No, we just thought she was home sick." "Last time she was home sick, she pretended to be a horse for a day." "True." "Maybe El- Jane could try and find her." "Mike." "Sorry I'm still trying." "So Jane do you think you could find her!?" "Yes, I can try."


Jane, Mike and Greg went to Greg's house. "Wow." Mike said astounded by the mess. "Yeah sorry." "Did Rory do this." "No, I did." Greg said as he walked over a broken chair. Just then Jim Hopper had pulled up. "Hey, I-." Hopper got cut off as he knocked on the door it fell down. "Hey kid." He walked up to Jane and messed up her hair. "Hey Hop." "Hey Mike." Greg walked up to Greg. "Listen my daughter is not going to find who ever this girl is without me." "The more the merrier." Greg said sarcastically. "Great 'cause I've got four kids and a teenager with a spiked baseball bat in my car." Mike and Jane ran out as Hopper threw the keys to Jane. "Listen-." "Greg." "Greg, okay these kids and my daughter know more about any of this than you do so stay out of this." Hopper growled. Greg was about say something back when the kids and Steve came in. "Wow this place is trash." Steve commented. Greg growled and walked away. "Jane you ready?" Mike asked. Hopper handed Jane the picture, she walked over to a tv and turned it on, she changed the channels until the static one showed up. Max walked up and handed her a towel, Jane took it and put it over her eyes. "I'm ready."


"Jacqueline." Kali shook me awake. "What." I gradually sat up still in wolf form. "You're still a wolf." "Oh yeah." I remembered I had slept as a wolf. "How long can you hold a form?" She asked. "About a week." "Okay, well come down, I want to see your powers in action." I got up and stretched and followed her down, as soon as I saw the gang Axel three a knife at me, but I turned into a hawk and flew up and dodged it, then I dove down and in a puff of smoke I turned into the same dragon that I took Mike for a ride on. "Okay, now that's just cheating." Axel pointed his throwing knives at me, in a puff of smoke they were in my hands as I landed and turned human. "Is it really?" "Yes, now give them back." I threw the knives at him he only dodged a couple, one cut his jacket the other cut his hair. "Wow." "Kids got skill." Axel just stood there frozen. "Kids alright." He finally spoke. I laughed then I got the weird feeling that someone was watching me.

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