Chapter Six: The New Lab

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"Okay here we go." Hopper gently laid down Ava and Jackie, Ava's hand slowly raised up to Hopper. "D-don't go." She whispered in a quiet horse voice. Hopper walked over to Ava's bed side, her hair was different it was lighter. "It's gonna be alright kid." Hopper took Ava's hand and looked at her, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I'll be right out there." Hopper walked out, Jackie was out cold and Ava looked over at her. "I'm sorry, f-for e-e-every thing." She sobbed as she reached over and held her shaking hand with Jackie's. "You kids ready?" Dr. Owen asked. Ava looked at him tears clouded her vision, she blinked and nodded her head. "This with help you get your strength back." Dr. Owens informed through a speaker. "Have you ever tested it before?" Mike asked with concern. "Uh, no." Dr. Owens pushed a big red button. Bright blue streaks of lightning flashed through the room. "Wow." Dustin whispered. Suddenly the blue lighting turned red. "Is it him!?" Will asked Dr. Owens. "Maybe!?" He yelled over the blaring of the alarms. "Warning, breach in the main hallway." A women spoke. "What the heck was that!?" "Our surveillance, in other words our security guard." Dr. Owen walked over to a steel metal door and locked it. "Nothing can get through there." "You said the same thing with the glass." Hopper started just as two demidogs and a demogorgon. The screeches and blaring alarms along with screams of people, echoed through the new labs halls. "We need to get them out of here!" Hopper tried to get to Ava and Jackie but a human looking demogorgon with shadows swirling around it popped up in front of the door leading into room that held Ava and Jackie. "NoW, nOw I cAn'T HaVE YoU CoMinG aNd tAkInG MY SolDiers CaN I!?" The strange creature, turned into smoke and went straight through the steel door. "NoW WhICh ONe oF YoU Is tHe MOsT EvIL!?" The strange creature grind, exposing its two half jaws and sharp teeth. Ava whimpered and clutched Jackie's hand. "Let them go!" Will screamed. "I'vE HeArD AbOuT YoU WiLlIam ByErS" "Let them go!!!" Will screams again louder. The Demogorgon was so stunned it dropped Ava and Jackie to the hard ground and opened a portal! And left. "Will...That was so brave of you." "It was-." "Are you guys okay!" Mike yelled. "Fine" Will grunted. "What's wrong with you?" Lucas asked. Jackie suddenly started smoking rapidly again. "Oh crap." Max gasped. "Alright for real this time let's get Jackie stable, and Jade-." "It's Ava Doctor Owens" Ava whispered. "Excuse me... Ava to a safe room were she can finally relax." "That would definitely be nice." Ava replied looking at Will. As Hopper strained to pick up Jackie he groaned and Jackie kicked him in the stomach. "Ow, kid what did you do that for!?" Jackie's eye opened up but instead of her normal blue eyes, they were a glassy black there was no color in her eyes. She groaned and stood up without moving from her original position, she turned her head and looked straight at Mike. In a puff of smoke she was nowhere in sight then she popped up right in from of him. Mike yelled and fell backward but before he hit the grow she caught him with her smoke. "NoW WhO ArE YoU TO HEr!?" "Oh... my... god... Why can't we just live!!!" Ava yelled. "Because, sweetheart life ain't fair." Will scowled at the demon possessing Jackie. Will walked up to Ava and put his arm around her in a protecting manner. "Don't talk to her like that!" Ava's face flushed a deep red. "Let jackie go." Jane came in with Dustin and Steven. "Okay so I got Steven caught up on who Jane was- What the heck is that?" Dustin asked dumbfound. The creature possessing Jackie flew around and looked at Jane. "YoU MuST bE HeR SiSTeR!" "Who are you?" Jane asked. "Let's just call me Jack." Jack smirked. "What do you want?" Jack groaned. "WhY dOEs tHIs KiD AsK SO MaNy QUeStiOns!?" Jack yelled. "She's just curious." Mike interjected. "So your name is Jack... Are you human?" "Yes and no." "Do you work for 'Him'?" Jane asked. "Kid again with the questions." "Oh my god that thing can talk normal." Max screams. "No I don't really work for 'him' I'm in and out, literally." "What do you mean 'literally'?" Dustin asked. "I'll show you." Suddenly Jack turned into a 15 smoking hot boy, with dark brown hair and navy blue eyes. He wasn't wearing a shirt! He only had blue jeans and black high top converse, along with some dark purple veins on his chest. Max, Ava, and Jane's faces full on flushed bright red. "Just look away." Hopper cover the girl's eyes. "Oh, well then." Dustin looked away feeling uncomfortable. "Now, let's get a few things straight." Jack walked around in the air. "Let me keep the girl, or I'll rule this dimension with a iron fist!" Jack laughed, then started coughing. "Ow, that kind of hurt." He whispered, "Now do we have a deal?" He held out his hand. Jane stepped forward, "We will get her back and we'll stop you." She growled, she lifted her hand and in a flash of bright light he was gone. "What the heck was that!" Lucas asked. "My huge mistake." Dr. Owens replied sadly. 


As everyone followed Dr.Owens to his new lab he explained how Jack came to be. "After Jane destroyed what you call 'Him' and after I recovered, I made it my responsibility to make sure all of this was contained like last time... Well everything was great till we found a small creature. He claimed he was created by Jane's father excuse me blood father, and was left in the upside down due to his failure to complete a task. Jack faced several challenges and slowly started to change into what you all just saw. We thought he was contained because he never really revealed his power to open and close portals and his ability to control the smoke." Everyone stood dumbfounded and mouths opened. Hopper spoke up. "Why didn't you tell me!?" "Well we had made a deal, I gave you a daughter and you kept the whole 'Hawkins Lab killing Barb' thing a secret. "So how do we find her?" Mike asked. "We could have Jane try?" Dustin suggested. "No, to risky, we need to find a way to bend the fabric of space and time." Dr. Owens limped off into a office and pulled a sheet off a machine "This machine was made to one day hopefully be able to allow scientists to touch the stars." Mike looked it over along with Dustin and Max. "This thing looks like it would be part of a alien spaceship." "I guess it does now this is what we're gonna do."


I woke up my head was pounding the last thing I remember was a big blast of light in the upside down. "Hey there sleepy head" Jack smirked. "Who are you?" I growled. "Your worst nightmare." Jack cackled. "Haha very funny, I've met and seen worse things than you." "You don't even know me so how could you say that?" "I'm a weird child, and you don't know me so how could I fear you?" "I'm much weirder than you and because I've been watching you and your sister this entire time." Jake smirked. "Now that's just creepy... if you watch me while I was undressing I'm going to kill you! You pervert!" "Just for the record I'd kill you first, and no I'm not like Jonathan Byers who watched Nancy and Steve you know do it." I paused for a second. "Wait, what!?" I yelled. "So you don't know! Interesting... So that proves I know more than you do." "You're just a push over." I tried to get up from where I was sitting but I failed and fell. "Are you okay Jackie- crap.". "Yes, and how do you know my name?" I muffled. "Okay... You might want to sit down again for this." Jack replied. "I'm fine where I am." "On the floor the cold cement floor?" Jack smirked. "Yes." I crossed my arms and looked away from him, sassy like. "You know I find you adorable." Jack laughed. Jackie's face turned a light pink. "Shut up and tell me how you know my name." "Alrighty then." Jack responded. Jack explained how he was created in Hawkins lab hence the purple veins on his chest... In the process he lifted his shirt and showed off his pecks. Then he told Jackie how he was kicked into the upside down and then grew up there, and he became half Demogorgon. "Wow... first of all, don't do that." "Do what this..." Jack smiled as he took his shirt off. "Does this make you uncomfortable?" Jack joked. "Yes! Very much! Now put your shirt back on!" "I'll keep it off then." Jack smiled. "I'm going to kill you." I growled. "Why I'm to hot for you?" "No it's very cold here now put your shirt back on before I wrestle you and put your shirt on you for you!" I tried to stand up but my legs were still a little bit wobbly. "I wonder who will win~." Jack smirked as he pounced on Jackie. "Most likey me~." "Not with those Jelly legs you won't, you move like a drunk person." Jack laughed. "Maybe I can't but my smoke can!" I used my smoke and flung him up in the air. Jack landed on the floor and laid there for awhile. "I think I killed him." I spoke aloud. "You thought it was that easy." Jack smirked as he leaned on the wall. "No but a girl can dream." I lunged at him and turned into a chimera. Jack dodged her and asked. "Why do you want to fight me so badly?" "Ava and I used to do it so yeah, we're doing this." I lunged back at him but I fell... again. "Jackie stop, your draining yourself, don't be so uptight." "Since when do you have any concern for me? You kidnapped me!" I yelled. "Okay why can't you except a guy is concerned about you and because he needs your help!" Jack yelled. Jackie sat on the floor shocked. "I've never been anyone's concern until I came to Hawkins, and why do you need my help!?" "I think you know why..." Jack whispered extending his arm out showing a tattoo with the number 005 on it. "Oh... my... god." Jackie gasped.

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