Chapter Nine: Safe and Sound

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"This the house." I pointed out side at a huge two story house. Jackie was wearing a wolf mask and Jet was wearing a cry baby mask. "Yes." "Let's go to work!" Axel yelled pulling out his gun. Kali opened the doors and Axel and Jackie came running out, the lights in the living room turned on. "Where is that brat!? It's time for his punishment!" A powerful voice shook the house. "Oh he's probably hiding but he knows he'll just get a bigger punishment." Jackie looked over at Jet who was trying not to shake while holding his gun. "How about I take care of tying them up." Jackie suggested. "Be my guest." Kali motioned towards the window. I turned into a mountain lion and ran towards the window, Jackie smashed into the glass and pinned down the two abusers. "Kali, Axel, Jet find the best thing to tie someone up with." Jackie growled.


"Hmhmmmhm." "What did he say?" I took off the duct tape. "Jet the police will be here any second." His dad's voice was menacing and reminded Jackie of her 'dad'. "That's a lie because Jet is going to get to you two first." Axel smirked. I ripped the duct tape off of his mom mouth. "Jet would never do that his to weak." "Well today's the day, Jet's never seeing you two psychopaths ever again." I looked back at Jet. "Do it." Jet hesitated. I walked behind him and put my hands on his shoulders. "If you hesitate you die and you don't want to die do you?" Jackie whispered into his ear. "No." Jackie took her right hand and moved down his right arm. "Then pull the trigger." His hand twitched then a loud bang split through the air. "You alive." Jackie whispered as she pulled back. Jackie turned into a little dragon and pulled the bullet out. "No evidence." "Rade the house, Jet you know where all the cash is right?" He nodded his head. "Lead the way." "Jackie? Are you okay?" Kali asked. "I need to make it look like a actually mountain lion broke in." Jackie turned back into a mountain lion. "If it means we can get away easier do what you must." Kali motioned towards the two dead abusers. Jackie roared and lunged at the body's.


"I have never seen so much blood in my life." Jet laughed. "I've never tasted such rotten meat it was disgusting." Jackie spat at the ground. "But the best part was when you used the small intestine as a jump rope." "It was raining blood until it got stuck on the ceiling fan." Jackie laughed. "Guys you're on!" Robin yelled from the other side of the building. Jet and Jackie raced each other to the other side of the building. "Shh." Jackie twisted the knob on radio until the channel became clear. "Today police have found the body's of Max and Julia Carter ripped open, police report that it seem like a bear or mountain lion broke through the window and attacked them while they were watching TV." Everyone cheered, "That's right no one messes with one of us and gets away with it." Jackie laughed. "Well it is fun and all but we should try to get some sleep we need fuel and more supplies." Kali interjected. "Fine." Jackie groaned. "Jet you don't mind sleeping with Jackie do you?" "Yes, I do mind." "I sleep as a wolf you'll be fine, at least I don't think I bite while I sleep." "Well it's gonna have to do until we can get another place for you to sleep, so go!" Kali pushed Jackie and Jet both towards the place where Jackie slept. "She sort of acts like a mom toward you." "I guess, I mean well I've never known what a mother figure looks like." "Same." Jackie chuckled. Jackie and Jet got to Jackie's room. "Decent." Jet examined the room. "What do you mean decent this is great!" Jackie shouted as she leapt onto the bed. "Maybe for you but I prefer a tighter space." Jackie turned into a wolf. "Come here." Jet crawled onto the bed, Jackie walked around him then finally laid down. "Better?" "Yeah." "Good night Jet." "Night Jackie."


"Jack you might want to come look at this." Ava yelled to Jack from across the room. "What did you find her!?" Jack asked frantically. "Yes she's with Kali and someone I've never seen before." Jane answered. "Who?" "I don't know, he has dirty blonde hair and looks rather thin." "Show me." Jane moved aside to let Jack see Jackie as a wolf sleeping around the boy with dirty blonde hair. "Jack?" "We're getting her back!" Jack walked away as he turned into a demogorgon.

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