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Just a cute lil picture of Lima and Lou because they're just the cutest :,)



Louis hated Mondays.

But he had to get up to give that Harry Styles person their ink. And he had to go meet Liam at the Angels Corner later.

The Angels Corner was a popular strip club in L.A where many would go for the girls, the drinks, and gambling.

Well, there were also the boys too. But that was between Louis and Liam. So, Louis had to dress (what Liam would say) like a snack.

He laughed to himself as he got up from bed. Liam has been Louis' friend for many years. They met in middle school in their art class. Liam saw Louis' drawing as he walked to the teachers desk.

The drawing was a gun. A pistol more like and where the bullet would come out, there were the stems of roses instead. On the side of the gun was written, "PEACE NOT WAR". Liam when he walked back to his desk passed by Louis. So he stopped and asked, "Wow, you drew that?" Louis was nervous when he talked to Liam that day. He was shy and quiet and barely had any friends.

"Y-yeah..Does it look okay?" his quiet voice asked. Liam looked dumbfounded. "Okay? It's awesome!"

And like that, the two became best friends. Louis trusts Liam with his life and so does Liam. Louis even told Liam he was gay. Which Liam didn't mind, since he was as well. He's been dating Zayn for 3 years as well so it's weird that Zayn works with Louis and tells him all about Liam's sex fantasies.

A loud noise snapped Louis out of his nostalgic memories.

It was phone and on the screen, said the name

              9 INCH PAYNE


The name was an inside joke.

He answered. "Oi oiiiiii,"

"Oi, Lou. You still coming tonight?"

"Yeh, I just have one tattoo appointment today and i'll be on my way."

Liam groaned into the phone and asked, "Louis when are you going to go to get recognized for your ink? You make some amazing artwork and you need recognition."

Louis couldn't agree more, but he'd take what he'd get.

"Well, when the time comes, there'll be an opportunity...but i agree." he said.

"I guess." Liam said but his mood changed quick. "OH! I forgot to tell you! That dancer that we saw last Monday, the Irish twink, he's coming home with Zayn and I tonight."

Louis scoffed laughing as he slipped a red muscle shirt over his head. "Threesome, I suppose?" Liam snorted. "No, i'm bringing a stripper home for dinner so we can talk about our problems. Duh."

He grabbed his black skinny jeans and pulled them on.

I wish i wasn't so curvy, he thought to himself as he struggled and jumped to pull them up over his curvy waist.

"I'm done with you," Louis commented as he jumped the past time to pull the jeans over.

"Maybe i should do that instead of pounding that pot of gol-"

"GOODBYE LIAM," Louis screeched as he hung up, choking on his laugh.

He shook his head and started to put water in his hair to style it.

His phone rang again.

                9 INCH PAYNE

Louis groans and picks up.


"Bitch i know you did not just hang up on me,"

Louis bursted out with laugher. "Liam i got to go to work!" he whined.

"Fineeee, bye hoe."

"Bye hoe," Louis yelled into the phone as he hung up, giggling and walking out the apartment to go to work.


Louis parked in front of The Devils Ink and walked in, seeing Zayn sitting at the front desk.

Louis couldn't help it and said, "So, threesome with a man from Ireland, eh?" Zayn blushed and squinted at Louis. "Aren't you supposed to be cleaning your needles before the customer comes?" he scoffed.

"You're right," Louis chuckled and walked to the back. "Make sure you bring some potatoes just in case!" he yelled over to Zayn as he went to grab his needles to clean.

"I'm gonna beat your ass, Tomlinson!" he yelled, sounding frustrated. Louis held in a laugh.

He began to boiling a pot of water on the stove in the back and placed the needles in the water to sterilize them. He also put a few cloths in the pot as well so any bacteria or mold are killed.

He continued this until he heard the door open and Zayn welcoming the "Harry Styles" man.

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