"Zayn, I swear to God he's hitting on me."

Zayn gave Louis a look of stupidity. "Are...are you uncomfortable?" He asked. They were in the back room whispering to each other since there were no doors in that room.

"N-no! It's just....flattering.." he spat out.

Zayn couldn't help but shake his head and giggle at the boy. "You're new to this."

Louis looked into the hall where the skinny curly lad sat, looking at the outlined tattoo. He took out his phone and scrolled through social media and looked up, making Louis quickly looking away.

"Zayn," Louis started. "I've never felt this way. Like i've never liked someone once I look at them. I feel like-"

"Butterflies in your stomach?" Zayn nudged at Louis.

"No I just feel gassy,"

Zayn couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Yup, you're new. Go to work and hurry before Liam trips out on you."

Louis sighed and walked over to Harry.

The boy looked up and quickly put up his phone, smiling at Louis.

Louis couldn't help but smile back at Harry. Something about Harry made Louis feel happy and made Louis want to smile. You couldn't just look at Harry and not smile.

"Everything okay?" the curly boy asked.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" Louis asked. Harry's eyes wandered the boys face and said, "You just look anxious. If there's anything you need to get off your chest, you can tell me. I have no room to judge."

Louis thought to himself for a while as he picked up the needle.

I just met this dude and he's telling me I can vent to him? That's....kinda weird but sweet at the same time. But how will I tell him that HE is the reason that i'm feeling anxious?

Louis decided to get this boy interested.

"In all honesty...i'm nervous about tonight."

Harry's face twisted into interest (just like Louis planned). "About what?"

Louis began to tattoo the moth on the boys stomach as he spoke. "Well, i'm going to a strip club with my lad Liam. But I don't know how to feel about it."

An eyebrow on Harry's face rose. "How so?" He asked.

"Well i'm not really...straight." Louis softly spoke as he looked up at the boy who had a faint smile on his face.


Louis nodded. "I am."

Harry chuckled and his deep voice tumbled as he did so, which gave Louis shivers.

The boy smiled down at the boy and sighed. "I remember in high school how i figured out I was gay. I knew i was different. I felt it deep inside me, but everyone made it seem like it was a bad thing. I always wondered to myself 'Why is it that everyone says that God hates gays but then they say that he loves everyone?'"

Louis couldn't believe what he heard. He stopped tattooing and looked up at Harry. "I've honestly have thought about it that way as well!" he exclaimed.

After time passed with Louis awkwardly trying to flirt with Harry, Louis finally finished the tattoo.

Louis moisturized it and helped Harry to see the tattoo in the long mirror.

Harry gasped and sighed at it. "You have a gift. I've never seen a tattoo so perfect and so accurate."

Louis blushed and stammered, but was cut off to Harry getting a sticky note and scribbling down something.

Louis became quiet and took the sticky note that Harry gave to him. He looked and saw a number written on it, with $200 cash on it.

Suddenly, Louis felt gassy again as he quickly wrapped Harry's stomach and watched Harry tug his flannel over his arms.

He watched him walk away but right as he was about to walk out, Harry turned around.

His sunglasses were over his eyes and his flannel was unbuttoned. Louis was sure he was drooling at the sight.

"Text me, lovely. Yeah?" Said that deep voice as he walked out, looking into the window of the store and hopping into his black car.

Zayn turned around, eye wide.

"So, I guess you're not new?"


Hey all.

Sorry for ghosting. School has been tedious more than ever and i'm sick as hec. Plus I had a bad case of writers block.

Anyway, i'm sorry for this shitty chapter but sMASH THAT MFING LIKE BUTTON AND COMMENT DOWN BELOW IF YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER AND LETS GET IT TO 60 MIL 😤😤👏🏼👏🏼👌🏼👌🏼😎😎😂😂💯💯

Okay let me stop

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