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Tbh, Louis looks so soft in all his ig selfies i can't 😭😭😭😭😭

Anyway :,) enjoy this shitty chapter!!

Niall led Louis and Liam into Harry's dressing room. It was white with black graffiti that was covered on each wall, saying "Delicate" or "Angel" in pink and red with the galaxy spray painted on it.

Harry turned and saw the three boys, smiling. "Hello, all." he welcomed. "Did you like my performance?" He asked, sitting up straight to boost his confidence.

However, Louis noticed that his voice was shaky and he didn't sound as confident as he looked. Every time he glanced at Louis, his face would change into an expression Louis couldn't explain. It was a mixture between anxiety, nervousness, and worry.

"No. Maybe those two did, but I didn't. You texted me saying 'Don't cheat on me' but what would you call this?" Louis stridently confronted Harry.

Harry shrugged, but smiled.

That set Louis off. In a time like this when you lead someone on and they confront them about it, they're going to smile?

Louis had enough of the people who took him for granted and thought they could stomp all over him, so with great confidence, Louis spat, "If you never liked me, why talk to me like you did? Stop wasting my fooking time, loser."

Harry's smile vanished and Louis felt instantly bad. But that's what he gets, Louis' sassy thoughts exclaimed in his mind.

With that, he stomped off stage, leaving Liam calling his name and running after him.

Louis didn't care anymore. He didn't care about the lies and the betrayals. He knew that it was a little extra that he was mad over a guy he wasn't even dating, but he knew that what they said sounded more than friends.

He opened the doors of the strip club, looking up at the night sky of Los Angeles. The tall skyscrapers glowed in the night with the lights at the top of the building.

"Oi, everything okay?" an Aussie accent called out to Louis.

Louis turned and saw the guard from when him and Liam walked in.

He felt bad that he couldn't remember his name.

"Yeah...just a rough night. I'll talk to you later, mate." Louis sighed and smiled a small, stressed smile. The bodyguard waved bye as Louis walked away from the front doors to call an Uber.

After Louis called the Uber, Liam ran through the doors of the club.

"Louis?!" he yelled out, looking for Louis. Louis turned and rolled his eyes at Liam while he sighed at Louis.

"Louis, please listen to me-"

"No, you listen to me." Louis interrupted. "I went through hell with Josh and you told me when you first saw Josh with that girl. Why didn't you tell me about Harry being a fucking stripper? Did you think you were being mighty or heroic trying to help me? That's fucked up, Liam."

Liam looked up frustratingly. "When you were with Josh, you never listened to me when I said that I had a bad feeling about him. So I wanted you to see it for yourself."

Liam searched Louis' face for an answer while Louis shook his head, tears brimming in his eyes.

He sighed and wiped his eyes quickly, looking down while he did so.

"Lou, please say something," Liam pleaded.

Give him something to hear. He thought to himself.

He looked up at Liam. His eyes red and puffy from wiping them.

"You're such an asshole for keeping this from me." Louis breathed out. Liam's eyes widened and his face went from sad to nothing.

Louis didn't care how Liam felt. He hurt him and that's what mattered.

A horn behind them honked and Louis' Uber waved. Louis didn't say anything to Liam as he got in the car and watched him wipe his tear filled eyes.

Louis knew that wasn't right to say and that it was super petty, but it's not okay to keep secrets from your best friends. It only numbs the pain if you tell them when you find out about them.

However, all that sadness filled with rage when Louis received a text that lit up his lock screen.

                        HS: I can explain



How was y'alls day/night? :)

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