
1.8K 21 6

Winner of the Modern Naruto Category, 2017

Hello~ It's a pleasure to be able to interview you, how are you today?

Oh, so super lit. College classes all day, unpacking, a brand new semester...heh....I'm tired, to say the least!

That's good~ You must be busy! Now, let's get right into the questions. Congratulations on winning first place in the Modern Naruto category of the Naruto Watty Awards! How do you feel about that and what was your initial reaction to the news? Did you brag about it to your family and friends? ;)

I took the Kendrick Lamar approach and decided to be humble. Lol. I made a statement about it on my Conversation Board and thanked all my loyal fans for voting. I mean, without them getting out there and voting, I probably wouldn't have even made it into the top three regardless of the quality of the book. For that, I am grateful.

That's definitely a very good approach to take! And on the topic of your followers, you're currently at 430 and still going strong. Where do you aim to be, following wise, in the future?

I've never really thought about that. Obviously, I want a lot of followers, but if that doesn't happen, no big deal. Honestly, I put the chapters out for myself, not other people. They're a great way to relieve my stress. Plus, I've always had a kind of insane imagination. Simply having an outlet to let go of my creativity and emotions is enough. If that gets me into the upper-echelon of the Naruto Wattpad community along the way, then I defiantly wouldn't complain. Heh!

That's good! And that insane imagination of yours sure has caught a bunch of attention in the Naruto community, huh? Since there's probably going to be few of your followers reading this interview, is there anything you'd like to say to them? About yourself or about your stories?

Of course! 

*Ahem* Hey guys, listen....thanks for continuing to read my stories. Sure, we've had our laugh, our tears, and of course death threats. Even through all of that, you guys stick with me. Back in the day when I used to release a chapter, maybe 3 people read it in a month. Now they get 1K reads in 24 hours. I love all of your comments regardless of their content. They make me happy. Why? Because the interaction amazes me! Never in my life did I expect one of these stories to do even a fraction of how they've done. For that, I am blessed. Keep trucking along with my stories and READ ON!

That's a perfect segway into our next question~! Your fanfic, Settling Down, has been quite a success, having just over 7.5 thousand votes within 60 chapters! Please tell me, what was your inspiration? Was it something that came to you all at once or did the idea take a while to develop?

Ah, yes, this answer has multiple parts. One, when I first got on this site, I was amazed by all the free content. The only reason I got the app is because I saw someone advertising a Naruto Story in the collective section on this app called iFunny. Gotta love some memes. Anyways, I looked up the app expecting it to be some anime thing, but it was for independent creators in general. I downloaded it and just read. I learned what a Fanfic was for the first time two summers ago and was interested by the concept. It creates a deeper fandom for the show that I love so much.

However, after about four stories I noticed a trend. They were all kind of the same. A high school story, small Karin/Toneri/Etc. problem that gets resolved easily, no consequences, ends with either marriage, children, or death.

I simply wanted to make a story that was different. That was all. I thought my other story "Blessing Of Silence" (shameless plug) would do that for me, but it wasn't a shop story and was rather depressing, so it never stood out. It made me sad.

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