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Phil's POV
"Bzzz" my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pick it up and hold it to my ear.
"Hello" I say almost inaudibly do to the fact I haven't talked and only left my room for food and bathroom for about a week.
"Hey Phil this is Chris! You sound awful are you okay?"
"*cough* Yeah Im fine. So what's up?"
"I heard about the accident. I just wanted to see how you're doing."
I glance down at my crippled foot. "I'm fine"
"Really I saw it on tv it looked pretty b—"
"Chris I'm fine."
"Okay...if you say so. So if your fine I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the pool with me tomorrow. We haven't gone to the pool in a while and you used to love it."
"It's just we haven't hung out in a while and you don't sound that great so I think going to the pool would really cheer you up."
"The pool with the diving platforms?"
"Yeah that one."
"...okay text me the time later."
"Yayyy! I can't wait I'll text you later"
"And please get some rest you sound tired. Bye phil"
I hang up. I'm kind of glad he invited me. Now I have something to do other than rot in my bedroom.

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