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*idk what this chapter's been a while since I've updated this but i just randomly felt like being productive so here ya go...*
Phil's POV
I open my eyes and I'm standing in a pitch black room. I try to scream but it feels as though my vocal chords have just disappeared completely. In the corner of my eye I see a door open. light spills from the slight crack illuminating the small portion of the room. I walk towards the doors and open it slightly more peeking my head carefully through the slim crack. To my surprise I am greeted by Dan's face pressed against mine as if he were mirroring my exact actions. He stands up and grabs my hand pulling me into the door. Not uttering a word the entire time. He pulls me to the center of the room the door closing itself behind me seemingly on its own. Dan leans towards me. He closes his eyes as-if he's going to kiss me but less than a centimeter from my mouth he suddenly pulls away and disconnects our intertwined fingers. He stares down at me as a slight look of disgust spreads across his face as he backs away slowly from me leaving me isolated in the dimly lit room.
Suddenly I jolt awake and breathe heavily as I start to realize that it was all just a dream.
"You ok?" I look up and almost jump from my bed when I see Dan sitting on the edge of my bed!
"Dan what are you doing here!?!?" I ask in complete shock.
"Your Dad let me in."he responds nonchalantly.
"But why are you in my bedroom?!?"
"I called you like three times and you didn't answer so I just figured you were avoiding me so you wouldn't have to practice diving."
"So you show up at my house at—" I glance over at my clock expecting it to be around 6 or 8 am but to my shock it's 3 in the afternoon. "—oh crap! I slept 'till 3!!!"
"Yep. I sat on your bed for at least an hour waiting for you to wake up..."
"You watched me sleep for an hour!!!!"
"I didn't watch you sleep the entire time! Maybe only for about 15 to 20 minutes."
"I couldn't help myself you're so cute when you sleep, but you kept turning over like you were having a nightmare so I figured I'd wake you."
The thought of him watching me while I sleep and sitting on my bed for an hour waiting for me to wake up and actually enjoying it fills me with dread and yet for some reason

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