Ch. 18

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Phil's POV
We take sit down at a table and order our food. I order a salad and a water as I can't gain weight or my mom will make me run it off. Dan, on the other hand,got a margarita pizza and a Diet Coke.
" are you?" He asks in an awkward attempt to start a conversation.
"...good." I hesitate "How are you?" I haven't been "good" lately. I've been awful. My entire life's been awful.
"Good. So I heard about your foot. How's is it?"
"Okay-I mean it's better it doesn't hurt anymore it's just sore."
"That's good." He opens his mouth as if to say something but is cut off by the waiter arriving with our food.
Dan doesn't even hesitate he takes a giant bit of his pizza. God it looks good. I look down at my food and use my fork to move parts of it around.
"Are you gonna eat?" He asks as he seemingly just finished chewing his last mouth full.
"I'm not very hungry." I say in response.
He shrugs his shoulders and goes back to eating.

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