Ch. 19

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Dan's POV
He's barely touched his food. I hope he's okay I know he's been through a lot recently so I can understand him being a little depressed.
"So why were you at the pool a few days ago?" I ask.
"I was with my friend. We were there for the diving boards and platforms." He responds nonchalantly.
"You like diving?" He looks up intently.
"I love diving..." he sounds sad.
"I love diving too!" I respond enthusiastically.
"Oh right I forgot. You do it professionally." He laughs to himself.
"Yeah, it's my passion but recently...I don't know I haven't been as interested. So I've been doing more swimming."
Phil lights up and we have an engaging conversation about diving and swimming for awhile before a question comes to my mind.
"So...if you like diving so much...why don't you do it?" He looks down at his feet and his face becomes somber.
"Because my mom wants me to be a runner..." he responds angrily. " Don't get me wrong, I love running just... not as much as diving...I love the adrenaline that rushes through your body as you plummet gracefully into the water. The feeling of your skin hitting the surface of the pool and the overwhelming surge of cold."
I look up expecting the worst. I stand up walk over to his side of the table and lean down. He flinched as I surround him in a comforting hug. Just then I get an idea.
"I can coach you!"
"What?" He pulls pack and stares questioningly at me.
" I can coach you" I respond rather matter of factly. "In diving..."
He perks up. "But my mother would never let me."
"She doesn't have to know and if she finds your life! Live it how you want! If you want to swim-dive—whatever!"
That's it I've found a purpose my life has meaning again!

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