Ch. 14

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Phil's POV
I exit the hospital for the second time in the past month. I guess I must really be messed up to be at the hospital this much.
Chris: Finally we're out of there.
Phil: You know you didn't have to stay with me the entire time.
Chris moves closer to me so our shoulders are touching. He grabs my hand and intertwines our finger.
Chris: I know. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.
Phil: Thanks.
Chris is such a nice friend but he's a bit clingy and very over protective. Lately he's been even more productive and possessive. Probably because of how much of a fuck up I've been lately.
Phil: Chris...why do you still hang out with me. All I do is mess up and stress you out.
Chris:(sigh) Phil...
He stops walking and turns to me. He grabs my other hand and holds both of our hands out in front of him.
Chris: You've been my best friend since we were children and you've always been there for me so now I'm gonna be there for you.
I rap my arms around his neck pulling him into a grateful hug. He raps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer.
Chris: I love you. He mumbles into my shoulder.
Chris: —As a friend. He corrects.
I laugh reassuringly to him.
Chris: let's go!
He grabs my hand and we make our way to his car. He opens the door for me and I step in. We drive in silence occasionally sharing akward glances. We arrive at my house and say our goodbyes as I step out of the car. I walk hurriedly to my door and open it. I'm abruptly greeted by my yelling mom saying something like "where have you been" and "you idiot" but I don't  listen to her and just go past her up the stairs to my room. She follows but turns away after being answered by my slamming door. I fall tiredly onto my bed and let out an exaggerated sigh. I remember suddenly I haven't texted Dan. I pull out my phone and open his contact.
He replies almost immediately. "Hey"
"Can we meet at 6."
"Sure. Where?"
"How about the new pizza place near the park?"
"Ok, see you at 6"
"See you"
I set my phone down on my chest and lay down on my back with a comically exaggerated smile on my face. I allow my drooping eyes to close and I faded into a elated sleep.

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