ch. 26

27 2 1

Phil's POV
Dan says something to me but his voice is muffled. His words feel like they're sinking, pulling me further and further under the black pool. He places his hands aggressively on my shoulders. My room blurs and then disappears entirely.
When I eventually regain consciousness, I'm laying in in the backseat of a moving car. I study the enterare waiting for the resurgence of my memories. My eyes eventually lead me to the front seat of the vehicle and soon to the drivers seat. In the chair, clutching at the wheel with eyes widened nervously, is a boy with brown hair and a pair of brown eyes tinted with red giving the appearance of one who has just recovered from crying. He looks back worriedly at me and back to the road quickly. He pauses for a moment and looks back again more violently.
"Phil! You're awake!" He announces excitedly letting out a sigh.
"Dan? Where are we going?" I ask weakly.
"Y-you passes out." He says, clearly shaken. "And—and I'm taking you to the hospital"
"Hospital?!?! Again!" I groan exaggeratedly and irritated.
"Well, seeing that you're well enough to bitch about getting help, I think you'll be fine not going to the hospital." His expression softens with a smirk spreading across his face as he lets out a quiet laugh.
I sigh in relief. "......I'm hungry"

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