Trouble In Mind

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Jungkook shoots another wad of paper into the wastebasket beside his desk, smacking a large wad of gum loudly between his teeth. He's beyond bored, waiting for news from Namjoon about where he's being reassigned to. He's getting a new route today because apparently there's some stretch of highway that isn't patrolled enough and he's the only person that didn't bitch about working a graveyard shift.

He's always been a night owl so there's really nothing to complain about. Honestly, how much work could possibly need to be done on a sparsely traveled highway in the middle of the night? Why anyone would turn down such an easy job, he can't comprehend.

Now, if Namjoon would just get out here and tell him where this easy job is, he'd love that.

Within the first hour, Jungkook decides maybe an easy job isn't the best job. By the time the moon reaches its highest point in the sky he's already bored to tears. He's scrolled through his Facebook feed five times now and drawn every pattern he can think of on his window in the steam from his breath.

At least he can see the stars out here. Those remain interesting for another five minutes.

And then he's bored again.

It's a full moon tonight.

He briefly wonders if werewolves exist.

And he's still bored.

With an exaggerated sigh—as if that one sound will garner the universe's attention and convince it to make something happen for him—he opens up his car door and steps out, leaving it open to hear his radio in case he needs it. Not likely. Even radio chatter is dead tonight.

The universe is truly against him.

He sets about pacing around the pull-off he's parked in, kicking at pebbles, writing words in the dirt with the toe of his boot. Standing with his hands on his hips he shakes his head at the sky.

Another hour passes of Jungkook sitting in his car and he grows restless, getting out and planting his hands against the side of his car, doing as many standing push ups as he can before those too become boring.

That's when the universe blesses him.

His ears perk up at the rumble of engine in the distance, a car accelerating as it nears him. Whoever it is he can tell they're driving too fast just from the sound.

Jungkook hops back into his car and readies himself, waiting with bated breath as the car comes ever nearer, the headlights shining around the bend. Then it flies past him, disappearing almost as fast as it came, and he flicks on his lights, red and blue flashing as he peels out onto the road.

The siren echoes off the hills as he follows the car, which seems to have no intention of slowing down. Whoever it is, if they don't stop soon Jungkook will lose sight of them no matter how hard he pushes his own vehicle.

Goddamn, he has no idea how a car can even move that fast.

The car rounds a corner, Jungkook speeding after it, and he damn near has a heart attack when the car suddenly decelerates and swerves onto a wide shoulder, surprisingly graceful for how fast it had been going. It would be a lie to say Jungkook's not impressed with the mystery driver's skill.

He pulls up behind the car, feeling a little smug as he steps out and approaches the left hand side. He knocks on the window, leans down as the tinted glass slides away.

"Do you have any idea how fast you were driving?" Jungkook asks as he props an elbow on the door. He tries his best to give the driver a look of disapproval but he can feel his eyes go wide when he's met with a shock of blonde hair and the most stunning eyes he's ever seen. He loses his breath at the sight of the man before him, all soft features and wicked gaze in perfect contrast.

"Damn right, I do," the man says, lips twisting into a crooked grin. His eyes drag over Jungkook's face, down his chest, then snap back up to his eyes. "But I bet I could ride you faster, officer."

It takes everything not to choke on his own tongue or balk at those words. Instead, he just raises an unimpressed eyebrow and runs through the process in his head of everything he needs the driver to provide. Somehow he's forgotten how to do his job after years of perfect service.

"License and registration?" he finally manages to say, and the driver reaches into his back pocket, lifting his hips as he does so. Jungkook tries to keep his eyes up, but they do drift southward just for a moment.

"Here you go, officer," the man says, eyes locking with Jungkook's as the cop takes the needed documents and peers down at the, ignoring the heat rising to his face at the way this guy stares at him.

He scans the license, memorizing details he doesn't actually need. He's just so very curious about this man.

Park Jimin. Born October 13th, 1995. Just two years older than Jungkook. A tad shorter and a bit lighter than him, too—at least at the time this license was issued. His hair is black in the picture, not the platinum blond he sports now.

"Aren't you a little too pretty to be a cop?" Park Jimin asks, and Jungkook's eyes trail back up to him again. Fuck, he's hot.

"I didn't realize there was a particular look cops had to have." Jungkook hands back Jimin's documents, forgetting again what he's even trying to do when he looks into Jimin's eyes like this. This guy has to be some sort of wizard or something with the way he puts Jungkook under his spell like this.

Jimin waves the license and registration in Jungkook's face with a chuckle. "Don't you need these for paperwork or something? Don't you have to take them back to your car, work some magic, and come back with a ticket?"

"Sounds like you've done this even more than I have," Jungkook says, and Jimin laughs. Shit, Jungkook kind of likes the sound of his laugh.

Jimin sets aside the documents, dropping them into his passenger seat as he leans a little closer to Jungkook. "What can I say? I love trouble." His eyes rake over Jungkook again. "And I love when officers like you punish me for it."

Jungkook's breath catches in his throat and he leans back, standing up straight. It's a miracle he's not pitching a tent in his pants already.

He knows this guy is playing him, that this is exactly what he wants, but Jungkook can't look at him or lean that close to him much longer without the situation getting very awkward, very fast.

"Consider this a warning," Jungkook says, hoping Jimin doesn't catch on to the fact that he honestly just forgot he's supposed to give him a ticket. "Just don't let me catch you driving that fast here again."

Jimin's head tilts to one side. "Maybe I want you to catch me."

Jungkook's lost for words as Jimin blows him a kiss and revs his engine. Jungkook leaps back to avoid his toes being run over as Jimin tears out of there, dirt and dust flying up behind him. He hits the pavement and flies off, back down the road.

Jungkook can't even be bothered by the fact that Jimin's already speeding before he even gets out of sight. He's too busy rushing back to his car and slamming the door shut. And maybe he undoes his belt and maybe his hand dips into his pants and maybe he thinks about bending Jimin over the hood of his car while he jerks himself off on the side of the road.

And maybe Jungkook feels a little guilty for not doing his job tonight but he forgets about that once he's coming across his hand.

No Rest for the Wicked Ones|| Jikook AU (18+)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin