The Walls Came Down

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A sigh slips from Jungkook's lips as he steps out of his patrol car, swinging the door shut behind him as his boots crunch across gravel and stone. He pushes his hair back from his face and strides up beside the car, knocking on the window. It rolls down. "Do you know how fast you were driving?" he asks, hating the monotonous line he has to use every time. He's met with hysterical sobbing from a red-faced, teary-eyed girl, and he damn near just walks away right there. He doesn't handle tears well.

"I-I'm s-s-so sorry, Officer, I'm going to be s-so late, though—"

"Alright, okay, okay, just calm down. It was only five miles over," he says, already planning on writing off the ticket and letting her go with a warning. He's already proven time and time again he's a terrible cop anyway, seeing as how many times he's let Jimin off. "Look, just... slow down the rest of the way and I'll let you go with a warning," he tells her as he hears another car approaching, one with a familiar purr that sends thrills through his body.

"R-really?" she chokes out, staring up at him with wide eyes.

Jungkook glances back as another car rounds the corner and he recognizes it. Exactly the car he expected it to be. It slows down when it comes into view and cruises by slowly, the window rolling down to reveal a smirking Jimin.

"Th-thank you, s-so much, Officer. Really, I c-can't thank you enough—"

But Jungkook isn't listening anymore as Jimin revs his engine a few times, then peels off down the highway, easily surpassing the speed limit by at least 20.

Jungkook nods at the girl. "Just be careful," he says before heading back to his car and fighting back the stupid smile on his face. He hops into his vehicle and turns on the sirens, checking for any other cars before screeching out onto the highway and flying past the girl to chase Jimin.

Maybe morally Jungkook isn't the ideal police officer but he'll be damned if he lets that stop him from playing this game with Jimin. Besides, this is their little secret, known only by this little back road. What everyone else doesn't know won't hurt them.

He catches up to Jimin, pulling up beside him when the blonde stops. He rolls down his window, grinning from ear to ear when Jimin cocks his head at him.

"Looking to race?" Jimin asks, hand flexing on his steering wheel.

"What are the stakes?" Jungkook calls back, and Jimin throws his head back as he laughs. He loves when Jungkook plays along, when he breaks the law just for Jimin.

Jimin pretends to think for a moment, then licks his lips, gaze capturing Jungkook's. "If I win, I get to top you tonight," he says and Jungkook would be lying if he said he didn't like that idea. Just imagining Jimin's cock reaching the deepest parts of him, stretching him... He might just lose on purpose. Not that he has much chance against Jimin's car anyway.

"Alright," Jungkook says, "if I win, we do this properly. In a bed, for once."

Jimin laughs again. "Hope you don't need to sit down much tomorrow." He revs his engine, still grinning, and Jungkook hopes he doesn't need to either. Jimin's not going to go easy on him... In this race or afterward. "Three honks to start, remember?"

Jungkook nods. He may not be a long time street racer like Jimin but he knows the basics. He rolls up his window, Jimin does the same, and he listens for the first honk. The second. The third.

And he slams down on the gas pedal.

They both speed off, Jimin pulling ahead in no time with his damn zero to 60 in just a few seconds (Jungkook doesn't remember the exact time. Jimin had told him about it in the middle of receiving a blow job from Jungkook so he was a little distracted.)

Jimin rounds a corner and Jungkook just shakes his head, knowing there's no way he'll catch up now. Yet when he comes around the bend he finds Jimin decelerating, intentionally falling far behind the patrol car. Jungkook almost slows down, not wanting to win just because Jimin let him.

He keeps his foot on the gas pedal anyway. If this is what Jimin wants, he'll give it to him. Jungkook would never admit it aloud but his side of the bet may or may not have to do with actual feelings coming into play. He wants something a little more than roadside sex with this damn gorgeous, blonde criminal and he tries not to assume that this means Jimin feels the same. Even if he doesn't, Jungkook just likes being close to Jimin.

Whatever the case, they crash through Jungkook's bedroom door later that night.


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