Hold On I'm Coming

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Jimin doesn't drive as fast as he can and Jungkook doesn't turn on his sirens. Jimin knows he's following him and he's just waiting for the right moment to pull over.

Jungkook has no idea what he's planning to do when Jimin does pull over. He just knows he needs to summon the strength he hasn't found in the past week and at least give Jimin a ticket. He has to do something.

Like his job, for fuck's sake.

He swerves after Jimin as the blonde pulls over, pulling up right beside him and partially blocking Jimin's car into the wide clearing. Jungkook gets out of his car, leaving the headlights on to keep the area lit up as he he circles around and sees Jimin leaning against his own car.

"Did you start that fight?" are the first words out of his mouth, and Jimin mocks offense.

"C'mon, why would you assume it was me?"

"Because I know the mouth you have on you and you never know when to shut it." Jungkook strides up to Jimin, leaving a wide berth between them. He doesn't trust himself to get within reach of that temptation.

"Want me to show you what my mouth can do?"

Jungkook bristles at that. He doesn't know why he's so angry. Maybe because it's the only way he can resist. "God, you just don't give up, do you?"

"On someone as pretty as you? No way."

"Listen," Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest and sighs, "it was one thing letting you off when it was nothing more than you risking your own life on an empty road, but add assault on top of that... Do you know what I could charge you with right now?"

"Um," Jimin cocks his head to one side, "assault, I would assume?"

That last bit of sarcasm is all it takes for Jungkook to snap. "Alright, that's it," he says as he whips out his handcuffs and lunges at Jimin. "I'm taking you in. This was your last chance and you blew it."

"I know something else I can blow—" Jimin's words are cut off by Jungkook yanking him around and pulling his hands behind his back, cold metal clamping down around his wrists. Jimin's smirk never leaves his face. "Ooh, glad you know how to work a pair of these. That'll make things more exciting later."


"Yeah," the criminal says, and Jungkook nearly chokes on his own tongue when he feels Jimin's hands twist into the front of his shirt and drag him forward, his ass grinding back against Jungkook's crotch. "Later, when I finally get you to fuck me."

Jungkook starts to take a step back, his skin heating up and cock starting to ache behind his pants. But that one misstep allows Jimin to spin around and he half expects the man to run. Instead, Jimin hooks one leg around Jungkook and pulls him close, leaning back on the hood of his car.

The officer stumbles forward, his body crushing against Jimin as soft lips find his, planting firm kisses and then light nibbles to Jungkook's lower lip until the cop lets out an involuntary moan.

Jimin leans back and grins at that, eyes hooded as they scan over the taller man's face. "Think maybe I could get off with just a warning one more time?"

"I really shouldn't—"

"Just one more time, Officer Jeon?" Jimin croons, his lips a mere inch away from Jungkook's. "I can make you feel real good."

Jungkook swallows hard and tries to ignore the way his cock practically screams at him to accept the offer. "Are you bribing an officer with sex right now, Park? You know you could be charged for that, too."

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