Down Boy

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It's well after midnight the next time Jungkook sees Jimin. He zips around the corner as always but this time he slows down, just crawling past Jungkook's car, window rolled down and a challenge in his eyes.

Jungkook tries to ignore him—he really does—but Jimin gives him this look he can't possibly erase from his mind because it's the same look Jimin gave him when he was sprawled across that desk. When he was flushed and panting, hard and wet in Jungkook's hand, and all there was in Jimin's eyes was outright desire.

So when Jimin speeds back up Jungkook is following right after him—no sirens, no tickets ready to not be issued. He flies down that road after Jimin and, rather than staying behind him, he accelerates until he's driving right alongside the other man's car.

He can't see him through the tinted windows of that low-riding, gunmetal grey car, but he can imagine Jimin grinning as he pulls ahead, then slows down so he doesn't leave Jungkook behind (because there's no way his car would ever actually keep up.)

They fly down the road, side by side, taking up both of the empty lanes, and Jungkook speeds up a little more, pushing his pathetic little patrol car to its limits. And suddenly he understands why Jimin does this. There's a very real, raw thrill to speeding down an empty highway, no limits, no rules. Just letting go.

It's fucking liberating.

But the highway doesn't stay empty for long as they round a sharp turn and Jungkook is nearly blinded with the high, bright headlights of a truck.

Heart pounding, he decelerates, Jimin flying ahead to give him space to move over, and he swerves onto the proper side of the road just as the truck's horn blares across the empty expanse of road. He watches wheels bigger than him roll by as the truck passes, then focuses on the road ahead.

He feels shaky, sweaty, clammy as he searches the road ahead to find Jimin already pulled onto another wide shoulder. Jungkook slows down and pulls in alongside the sports car and shuts his own off, taking a moment to recover.

He's on an adrenaline high as he steps out, circling around his car to see Jimin leaping excitedly out of his own, a childlike grin on his face.

"That," Jimin shouts as he makes his way over to a dizzy Jungkook, "is what I'm talking about!"

Jungkook can only watch the blonde as he strides over to him, one hand on the hood of his car to keep himself upright. Shaky legs barely support him and he feels like he may have had a heart attack somewhere along the road without even realizing it. But that all vanishes from his mind with the low, sultry sound of Jimin's voice assaulting his ears.

"God, that was fucking hot," the blonde growls from somewhere deep in his throat. Jungkook barely has time to process what's happening before Jimin's body collides with his, their lips locking as he slams Jungkook backwards against the hood of his patrol car. Jungkook topples backwards, hands grasping at Jimin's waist as he keeps getting pushed back until he's flat against the hood. Jimin leaps up after him, straddling his hips as he dives in for another kiss.

Whatever plans Jungkook had to resist him before fly out the window as fast as he'd accelerated earlier and grabs at the other man's waist. Their lips slot together in hurried, open-mouthed kisses, Jimin's tongue plunges into an all too willing mouth, hips grinding down.

Nothing but the shine of Jimin's headlights illuminates the area around them, leaving them in a glow as dark as their desire. Jungkook almost has a moment of clarity, a moment where he nearly pushes Jimin back because, goddammit, they're out in public here and he promisedhimself he wouldn't do this anymore.

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