Raise Hell

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That's not the last time Jimin sees the gorgeous policeman. He zooms past the cop's little resting spot every night for the next week, always getting an extra little thrill when he sees that red and blue in his rear view mirror. It's not even the risk of getting caught that excites him. It's the risk of getting caught by him.

The second time they meet the officer doesn't seem to recognize Jimin's car and waltzes up beside it, looking bored as he knocks on the window. Jimin rolls it down with his signature smirk on his face.

"Do you know how fast—" the cop drawls out, then his eyes meet Jimin's. "Oh, Jesus, you again."

"It's Jimin, actually," he quips back, "but I'm flattered. Speaking of, Officer, what's your name?"

It only takes a few minutes of chatting him up to get his name and leave without a ticket once again.

One might think Jimin does this just to get out of paying for his crimes. Truthfully, if Jungkook gave him a ticket every time Jimin would still do it. He really just thinks Jungkook is so pretty.

The next few times Jungkook does recognize Jimin's car and he pulls him over, walking up and not even bothering to ask that same little question again. Instead, each time he walks up to the window and Jimin has it rolled down in preparation for him he just tells Jimin how fast he had been driving.

It becomes a ritual; Jimin speeding by, Jungkook stopping him, telling him his speed as if trying to top the speed from the previous night, the two of them chatting for a bit, and then Jungkook letting Jimin off with a warning before he takes off again.

It's a strange and unexpected relationship that forms itself on the side of a backwoods road. This funny little push and pull between the two of them, both constantly vying to be in charge. Jimin feels confident that right now their score is a solid 50-0, with himself in the lead.

Jungkook doesn't even mention his speeding the sixth time they meet, just walking up to the car and launching into yet another talk, this time about growing up in Busan.

Sorry about this being a short chapter~

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