Oh No

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Tonight, Jimin speeds by Jungkook's spot too early, before his shift even starts. He's just a tad disappointed but once he reaches his destination—a little roadside bar along the same stretch of highway—and finds his best friend waiting for him just inside the door, thoughts of the gorgeous cop vanish. Mostly.

"So, what, the guy just talks to you and then lets you go?" Taehyung asks around his drink, the dew on the outside of the glass collecting around his fingers. He cocks one brow at Jimin and chugs.

"Something like that." Jimin mimics his friend, knocking back a shot before calling for another set for the two of them. "He's cute. All doe-eyed and innocent. Totally not what you would expect from a cop."

Taehyung chuckles and accepts his fresh drink from the bartender with a soft thank you. He looks to Jimin, lifts the glass. They clink them together and take the shots in unison. Taehyung scrunches his face at the burn, then looks to his friend. "God, you're a sick man, Jimin. Always corrupting the innocent ones."

Jimin licks his lips, waggling his brows at his best friend. "I like 'em young and fresh—"

"Jesus, Jimin!" Taehyung shoves at his shoulder, throwing his head back as he laughs. Jimin laughs with him.

Then someone bumps him, nearly knocking him off his stool, and he turns to frown at a mountain of a man, all frowns and angry eyes squinting at him.

"Watch it, knuckle dragger," Jimin drawls before motioning the bartender over again. But a hand on his shoulder wrenches him around. Taehyung tenses beside him. In front of him several more men have gathered behind the first.

"What did you call me?"

Jimin cocks his head to one side, another smirk playing at his lips. "I called you a knuckle dragger, knuckle dragger."

And then there's a fist in his face and Jimin is retaliating, his own fist colliding with a heavy jaw. Somewhere near him Taehyung smashes a bottle over another guy's head.

The bar falls into chaos. Just how Jimin likes it.

Tonight's going to be peaceful, Jungkook decides. It's well into his shift and Park Jimin hasn't shown up yet, so he decides to cruise along the road and scout for any other criminals along his route.

(Who is he to call Jimin a criminal when he's broken about a hundred laws by letting him off every damn night?)

Part of him resents the other man for reducing him to little more than a sad little puddle of goo but he knows he really only has himself to blame. He could charge Jimin. He could give him the tickets. Hell, at this point he could throw him in jail for a good long time but he doesn't.

Because the second he charges Jimin with anything so ends their strange little game. He's not really ready to stop seeing that angelic face, forever tinted with a hint of mischief. He wants Jimin to keep coming around, feeding into the wet dreams he has every time he goes home after seeing him.

He's gross and pathetic and he knows that but, goddamn, who wouldn't be when it comes to Park Jimin?

Jungkook tries to shake his thoughts of the other man, knowing that that always just leads to him tipping his seat back and shoving a hand down his pants. No one's ever made him quite as frustrated as Jimin does.

As he rounds a corner, Jungkook catches sight of a little bar he's never noticed before. How he's never seen it, he doesn't know. He doesn't pay much attention to the sights on his patrols, too bored to focus or too distracted with chasing Jimin to care.

Tonight, though, the bar catches his eye and holds it, because as soon as he begins to near it he sees a man come flying through the door, tumbling across the ground and landing, dazed, staring up at the sky. It's what he sees next that has him slamming on his breaks.

Park Jimin, a fire in his eyes and a streak of blood smeared under his lower lip, tearing out of the building after him and tackling him where he lays on the ground.

What the fuck.

Jungkook is out of his car in a second but a whole crew of men have filed out after Jimin by then, one guy—just as pretty and reckless as Jimin—covering the blonde as he continues kicking the shit out of the first guy.

"Hey!" Jungkook shouts, and Jimin rolls off the man, hopping to his feet and widening his eyes in Jungkook's direction.

He looks almost as dazed as the man on the ground, sporting a black eye and a split lip. "Jungkook! Hey there. Good to see you again," he says, swiping the back of his hand across his red-painted, stupid grin. He glances over at the lone guy defending him and taps him on the shoulder. "Time to go."

Jungkook can only watch as Jimin and the other man split off in opposite directions, booking it to their own cars and leaping in before the other goons can catch up to them.

Torn between whether or not he wants to arrest the guys left behind at the bar or arrest Jimin and his friend, Jungkook can only watch. His eyes follow Jimin's car as the tires spin, kicking dirt and rocks up at the attackers before speeding off, his friend doing the same but in the other direction down the highway.

Speeding down an empty highway is one thing, Jungkook thinks, but Jimin's just added assault to his list of crimes and, quite frankly, Jungkook just wants to see him try and talk his way out of this one.

So he gets back in his car and peels out too, whipping a u-turn to fly after the blonde.

No Rest for the Wicked Ones|| Jikook AU (18+)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora