Chapter 9

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Over the past few days, Ezra's improvement was absolutely no remarkable. The majority of the tubes injected in him had been removed, he no longer required a breathing mask, and could now get around with the help of the walker. He got his speech back. He hadn't been able to go home to the Ghost yet, but they had high hopes for the future.

"Ezra, you can lean on me if you need to." Kanan instructed as the young man gripped the side of the hospital bed.

"I'm fine, Dad." Ezra stubbornly took one cautious step forward, keeping one hand on the rail. Once he got his footing balanced enough, the boy let go and stumbled. He was about to fall but luckily the older Jedi caught him.

"Small steps," Kanan chided gently. "You don't need to get hurt yourself trying to get better, Ez."

Ezra scowled, brushing his right hand on his left replacement arm. They had surgically implanted a new one months ago, when he was still in his coma. If you knocked on it hard enough, you could hear the hollow metal echo. Zeb thought that was hilarious and often did it. Ezra wasn't sure he would ever get used to having a mechanical arm. Even though it looked real, it sure didn't feel like it. At least not to him.

The Jedi Master sighed, sensing that his son was growing impatient. "How about we take a walk around the base?" He suggested. "We can take the walker."

Ezra huffed, looking away. "Who knew learning to walk was so hard." He muttered. Kanan managed a smile and grabbed the walker from the corner of the room.

"Come on." He opened the door while Ezra grasped his walking device. "We both need fresh air."

The boy groaned. "I look like an old granny when i use this." He complained, making his way to the exit.

Kanan raised his eyebrows. "It's either that or the wheelchair.." He mused, watching Ezra's face freeze up. He knew that the boy didn't like the wheelchair, saying that it "scared" him to not use his legs. He also hated when people pushed him around. It made him feel helpless.

"Fine," Ezra complied, going as fast as he could out the door (which was still pretty slow). Kanan rolled his eyes, amused at the boy. "I can't wait till I can actually WALK properly again." Ezra changed the subject. "Any news on Sabine yet? She coming back soon." He looked hopefully at the Jedi master.

Kanan shook his head, and Ezra looked away, dissapointed. "We'll hear from her soon." He reassured his son. "I grant you that she will be absolutely overjoyed to see that you are awake. All you have to do is wait." He reassured his son. 

"I want to see her so badly." The young man grumbled, as they exited the front door pf the hospital.  "Why do I have to wait after ALL these months?" He made a fair point there. 

"A jedi must have patience." The father repeated the words he must have told Ezra a billion times in the past. 

"Where are we going?" Ezra wondered, as they twisted and turned around the base. When everyone saw him, they often stepped back and let him through, usually gaping. He wasn't really used to all the newfound fame. Well then again, he wasn't used to having to use a walker, having a fake arm, or all these new scars. There was a lot of things that had changed him

Kanan's eyes twinkled. "To the mission room." He admitted after a moment. "I want to see if Hera's there." 

The boy smirked knowingly. "Why can't you two just marry????" He demanded, knowing full well how in love the two were.

"It's not as simple as that.... There's a war going on.." Kanan turned away, obviously not wanting to talk about it. 

"Sure it is." Ezra protested, waving one hand in the air while keeping the other firmly on his walker. "Just go up to her, and say 'Marry me!'" 

Kanan facepalmed. "I can't do that, genius!" he rolled his eyes, while blushing, thinking of his soulmate. "You really don't understand how romance works, buddy." 

The boy was about to say something when they came up to the mission room. Upon entering, multiple people turned around to see who it was, and their faces brightened when they saw the hero. 

"Mr. Bridger," Mon Mothma stated, her voice full of warmth. "I can't tell you how glad we are for you to join us." Ezra awkwardly grinned, his face turning red from embarrassment. People now saw him differently. Not the sarcastic jedi teen, but a full fledged hero.

Ezra was about to say something when the holotransmitter flickered and turned on. Everyone turned to look at it, wondering what it could be.

When the vision became clearer, Ezra could make out the image of Sabine's brother, Tristan, looking incredibly mournful. "What happened?" Ezra sputtered, before anyone else could say anything. "Where's Sabine?" 

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