Chapter 24

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Please kindly take a second to take a look at my backyard

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Please kindly take a second to take a look at my backyard....

All the smaller trees fell. This wasn't even the worst of it. There was this one tree that fell maybe three inches away. But I am so so so so so glad the huge ones were stable enough. One thing I'm upset about is that my "reading tree" as I called it, fell. So no climbing that one anymore to read my library or school books in the summer. That's petty, I know, but it's what I've been doing since I was 9. 

But We were extremely fortunate to escape with such minimum of damages. Although the yard (as you can see) is an absolute mess, my home didn't get harmed. And we also still have power. I can't say the same thing about people around the area. We're having 3 days off for this. Three days! A lot of people are saying that it's as bad as Hurricane Sandy,  which devastated New Jersey years ago.. 

Thank you for all your prayers and advice on what to do. I truly believe that they helped. I can't offer you guys my gratitude enough. It was extremely scary. I hope that my area recovers soon. We didn't get plowed out till 2:00 pm yesterday because even the kriffing snow plows had a hard time getting around. And when we finally did, my mom and I drove around the neighborhood.... and it wasn't a pretty sight.

Cars had been crashed to smithereens under  trees, there were enourmous holes in houses and huge branches were all along the road. Wires were hanging dangerously everywhere you looked, and you couldn't even get on some streets. 1 million people are without power, (luckily my family is not one of them) and others live so high up on hills that they can't get down. The best kid on my swim team might not be able to get to Junior Olympics this weekend because there's no way out  of his house. 

It's going to be a process for my town to recover from, but we'll get there. But I hear that next week there will be ANOTHER nor'easter
-_-. I'll be in school till July.

Now on with this book. I need something to distract me. 

Love you all,

Catie <3

Sabine woke up a few hours later, with Ezra's  mechanical left arm wrapped around her shoulders. Medical crew surrounded her in the room, and she could hear parts of what they were talking about in her half-awake trance.

"Both extremely malnourished-"

"The patient has just exited emergency surgery. She'll recover.."

"How could she have possibly survived all that?"

"That kid's tough. How old is she about?" 

"Ms. Wren is going to need a checkup-" 

From the bits and pieces of the conversation she had heard, she had deciphered the fact that CeCe was going to be okay. Relieved, she began to go back to her much needed rest. Boy, did she appreciate it. She would never take another hour of napping for granted again. 

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