Chapter 2

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Alexis Tierra Davis

"And I remember when I met him, it was so clear that he was the only one for me" ~ Lana Del Rey

"And I remember when I met him, it was so clear that he was the only one for me" ~ Lana Del Rey

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" Father, thank you that you have revealed your love to us today. We invite you to send out from here in the power of the holy spirit. For yours is the kingdom, the POWER and the GLORY! forever and forever. AMEN!"

" Amen" The crowd applauded, along with rising up from their seats.

I sighed considering today's service was 2 hours long and I was ready to go. I really don't see how every sunday I get dragged into church by my parents.

" Alexis, take your sister and walk home" My mom whispered over to us. I nodded and quickly removed myself from the row along with my sister in hand. Considering my mama was the first lady of the church, followed by my dad being the Pastor which meant they stayed after all of the church services.

Although many people would never think I was the preacher's child. Not saying that I was a bad child but I wasn't a good one either. I wasn't this perfect little girl that my parents wanted me to be. And yet I'm 18 years old and still getting dragged into church by my parents.

After making it outside the church building, I made my way down the street of Cottage grove, with my little sister in hand. This was always our daily commute on church sunday's since our parents allowed us to walk home after the services.

" I want chips" Alana, my little sister mumbled into the Chicago wind.

" Alana you know it ain't no stores around this area" I mumbled as I continued to watch our surroundings.

She tugged on my hand as we continued to walk hand and hand down the street. " We can go to the parkway gardens corner store" She suggested causing me to decline her while I shook my head.

" Alana you know we ain't pose to go over there, it's too violent" I explained.

" But what am I gonna eat while I watch liv and maddie?" She pouted with her high pitched voice. I smacked my lips and sighed because she definitely had her ways of convincing me to do things for her.

Living on the southside taught me to be cautious at all times, watch your surrounding, walk fast and get to your destination. Especially where I live because I live in between the most deadliest locations on the southside. parkway gardens and King drive most known as Oblock.

Where all of the gangbangers and drug dealers did their dirty work. Mama and Daddy never let us go on that side of town. I guess they wanted to protect their perfect church image. I couldn't blame them though.

I crossed the long busy street of cottage grove and turned down 64th street. I knew it was gonna be a long walk so I just dug into my pocket purse and pulled out my headphones and plugged only one plug in while connecting the other end to my phone.

I played Tink: Commitment while I walked down the violent street of 64th with Alana's hand. It seemed the music had made the walk shorter, which caused me to be shorter out of breath than what i'll usually be.

Once we reached the street of king drive we entered the store located on the corner. The reason why our parents wanted us nowhere near here was because it was bad, and already there has been about 10 shootouts in front of it.

Even though this store was violent when I was a kid, I still went. But it just got even worse .

" Ah, My favorite customer! Alexis!" The arabian store owner, Aalam greeted with the both of his arms in the air, like he was excited to see me.

" Waddup Aalam, You tryna give me a discount today or what?" I joked watching my sister go around the store in search for snacks.

" You know I got you's on da house " He said trying to sound "Cool".

" Bet" I laughed going around the store to get my snacks. Once me and my sister were done, we put all of our stuff on the counter.

" Your total is 6.47"

I looked up at him and chuckled, "Your so sweet Aalam, It's okay I'll pay the full price" I told him reaching inside my purse.

" No It's cool my G, It's on da house"

I shook my head, Laughing while pulling out a 10 from my purse. "Here"

He took the bill and placed it in the register. " Where is your brother? I remember him coming to chicago to visit...he not visiting this year?" He asked.

" Jonathan?" I clarified

Jonathan was my brother that my parents hardly claimed because he acted below their expectations. Jonathan was wild and hardheaded. Already at the age of 21, he had already gotten 3 felonies. My parents moved him with our auntie in Atlanta when he was only 16 since he was put on house arrest.

Even though My parents disclaimed him, I still love him. Of course I do because He's my brother, the streets loved him too. He had a whole lotta street credit, especially in the streets of south side chicago.

" Yeah, How's he been?"

" He been straight, steady tryna fight cases" I shook my head.

" May allah bless him. Tell em I said wassup, He know how we rocking"

I begin cracking up laughing, " Dude you too much, But Bet...I will"

After he was finish bagging the snacks, We were on our way out the door and down the street of 64th.

" I happy now"

I looked down and smiled. " I bet you are" I said.

" Aye lil mama!"

I looked back and noticed a group of guys walking behind us which caused both me and my sister to smack our lips. " This happens everytime" I mumbled.

I looked back in front of me and grabbed my sister's hand even tighter. " Walk up pooh, Only 2 more blocks" I told her.

" So you just gon' ignore me? Damn, that's what we on? "

I was surprised They didn't notice who i was, I was known for two things on the southside. Either the pastor's daughter or Jonathan's little sister.

" I gotta boyfriend" I replied back.

" And shid I gotta driving test tomorrow, we naming shit that we can cheat on?"

I smacked my lips and continued to walk. Niggas sure did have their ways of trying to pick up females, But nope! I never go for any of it.

" Man durk speak some knowledge in ha ass foe, she must don't know who we be or some.." Another voice spoke.

" Nawl it's cool, shorty playin hard to get like a mufucka"

" Duh, just leave me alone" I mumbled so only myself could hear. Niggas swear they got the juice when they approach you, especially when they with they homies.

The further I got the more their voices faded way, I guess they weren't following us anymore. However, once we got on our block we walked all the way to our house, located on the corner.

I took my keys out of my purse and inserted them into the door and opened it, Letting my sister enter before me and I walked in behind her, closing the door behind me.

I heard my little sister gasped causing me to look up and see my brother.

" Jonny" Alana yelled running into his arms.

" Joe" I smiled.


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Chapter 3 coming soon....

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