Six: Stupidity

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A Few Days Later

I woke up too early in the morning. It's 3:00 am, and our class starts at 8. I had 5 hours to prepare. Even though it's early, I took a shower and wore my crop top shirt, ripped jeans, my hoodie and my chucks. I dried my hair and tied it to a messy bun. I got downstairs and prepared my breakfast. After that, I ate by myself... While I'm eating.. I think about him.. He's been ignoring me for the past few days except for Jimin. I almost forgot that I'm throwing a party. But I cancelled it because of what happened. I wanted to quit the dance club but Jimin doesn't want me to... I heard my phone ringing and answered the call not looking at the caller ID.


chanyeol- Get out of your house I'm outside.

*end call

He's here? I walked to the door and when I opened it..... It was Chanyeol..

-Yah what are you doing here.. It's too early?

chanyeol- I just want to come over...

-come in.

We walked our way to the living room and sat at the couch and watched TV. I take a look at him. He hasn't changed alot.... As time passes by, we got ready for school. I putted on a little bit of lip and cheek tint and I wore my glasses. We walked to the University. I saw Suga at the gates. Maybe he's waiting for someone.?


A girl shouted and ran to suga.

girl- Oppa. Let's go?

suga- ok jagi.

Smiles are on there faces while walking to the classroom. An idea popped into my head.

- I had an Idea! And I'm gonna need your help Chanyeol.

chanyeol- I know what's in your head dummy. So?

- Nah. Nevermind... Remember when you said that you want to be back with me?.. Well it's a yes.

chanyeol- you're serious?


He hugged me and held my waist while walking to the lockers when I saw two familiar faces. It was Suga and the girl....kissing....

Chanyeol's POV

Nari stopped walking while she saw Suga and her girlfriend kissing INFRONT of her locker. I know that Nari can't get to her locker because of them so I had an idea.. I pulled Nari back and I brushed my shoes at the floor that made it squeak because of the spike. And they did stop as if Nari and I walked as like we haven't seen them. They stepped aside while I am on Nari's side while she opens her locker to get her books. We walked passed them and nari took a big sigh.

Nari's POV

They were kissing... Why do I feel like I'm missing him? Even though I have Chanyeol.

We walked to our classroom with our fingers intertwined. Girls are gossiping about us. I didn't notice them and just walked ahead. We decided to just go to the park, since it's 6 am. I saw them again coming our way not noticing that we are there. I had the most stupid idea. I grabbed Chanyeol by the collar until our faces are centimeters away. My heart pounded as our lips met again. I pulled out of the kiss and my cheeks grew hot. I turned to face Suga... He looks so mad as if he wanted to punch Chanyeol.

Suga's POV

Seulgi and I walked to the park. And there I saw Nari with Chanyeol...kissing. It's like I want to punch him off but I can't. Nari and I are done. But I have a leftover feeling to her. 80-20... 80 for Nari and 20 for Seulgi. I shouldn't have left her in such a small argument.

Chanyeol's POV
I can't believe it. Can this be real? Is it a dream come true? Or is it just a scene played in my head? I don't know what's real anymore when we pulled out of the kiss. And there he was again, looking at us in this sudden fantasy.

Nari's POV

I pulled Chanyeol at the wrist to get out of the University. I don't want to stay there. It's bothering me. We got to Starbucks and ordered. I got a Ferrero Rocher Frappuccino and Chanyeol got the same. While drinking. Silence surrounded us until he broke it.

chanyeol- Nari-ah. Let's play basketball later. You in?

-don't call me that.

chanyeol- then what do you want me to call you? Jagiya? You have to call me something too you know?

- Nah.

chanyeol- come on. Call me Oppa.

-Nae. Oppa Saranghae <3

chanyeol- Saranghaeyo jagiya~

-omo it's almost 8 we have to get going.

chanyeol- not until you do aegyo.

-are you kidding me? let's go or we'll be in detention after class. Besides you might die of my cuteness chapstick!


I took a deep breath and acted cutely.

~Oppa. Kaja jebal :-(

chanyeol- Aigoo. You're too cute let's go now.

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