Chapter 4

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Gerard made sure Christine was comfortable in her room before we left. I was in the room next to hers. "I will show Ana where everything is, and she will comeback to you." He said as he left. We walked down the hall for a few minutes, he grabbed my upper arm and pulled me into a room. The room was covered in mirrors the walls and the ceiling were covered, he had dragged me into one of many ballerinas' practice room. "Who are you?", he said as he tried to keep his composure.

"You know who I am," I said without looking him in the eye.

"Why did you come back here?"

"This is home for me Gerard, and I do work for Countess Christine."

"You are supposed to be dead." He blurted out.

With a shocked expression on my face, I asked, "Who told you that?"

"Your parents told me that you were in some sort of accident and you did not survive."

"I am sure that is what they said to hide the truth.", I said with my tone becoming angry.

While looking into my eyes he questioned, "What is the truth?"

"The truth... well, the truth is they sold me. They did not want me, so they sold me to......", the truth too horrible to speak.

"Who did they sell you to?" he looked sympathetic at me. He walked over to me and gave me a hug. He was the only father I had ever known.

"Gerard, please don't tell Christine about my past."

"I won't but you need to tell her."

I walked away from his embrace and went to the back corner of the room, "She knows of my childhood not every detail, but she knows it was bad, but she does not know about me and the opera house and she defiantly does not know about me and ......"

Gerard walked over and sat in front of me, "You remind me so much of Erik, it's a little scary."

I looked up at him, "So, how is Erik?"

He looked a little bit flustered, "I am sorry to say this but he his dead."

"No, he is not."

"How do you know?", he asked with a questionable look.

"I do not know how I know how, but I know he is still alive."


"Hope, does Erik think I am dead."

"Yes, he mourned forever. I honestly think he never stopped. He was looking at your music the other day."

I could fell the tears rising, I had to look down to them at bay. So, Erik thinks I'm dead. "Didn't he hope I was not dead? Did he not believe that I was a live?"

"He did for the longest time. Yet it has been years since you have seen him, and it has been years since he has seen you."

"That is true", I looked back up at Gerard, "Please don't tell him I'm here. I don't want to cause him more pain."


"Please Gerard, please do not tell him. I cannot hurt him." With that, I stood up and went back to Christine's room.

As I was leaving the room I heard Gerard say, "Yes, Ange." I paused just a moment at the door and then continued. I had not been called that since I left the opera house. Yet, if he knew what I had become he would not be calling me Ange he would be calling me monstre, for the monster that I really am.

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