Chapter 14

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Erik and I just sat there looking over the lake. We sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. I knew that this would happen, he thinks that I am a monster. I looked at the ground. "You won't tell Christine what I just told you will you?" I asked Erik.

"No, I won't but you need to tell her."

I got up and started to walk away. When I felt Erik grab my wrist, "What are you doing?" I asked Erik without looking at him.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to go and plan what to do now."

"Will they hurt you?", his voice filled with concerned.

"They will try, but they will go after Christine, Geared, and you, if they ever find out about you, first to hurt me. But, I will be prepared. So, no one will get hurt."

"What are you going to do?"

"What the Siren does, kill.", he let go and I went to my room and locked the door. I pulled out a big bag.

"What are you doing?", I turned around to see Erik standing right in the mirror.

"Getting ready", I said while I am pulling out a rolled-up cloth and rolled it opened on my bed. It revealed throwing knives and daggers. I then pulled out a black shirt, black corset, a black piece of fabric, black pants, and a black skirt. I walked behind the- changing screen to change into the shirt, corset, and pants. The corset was modified to hold some of my daggers and some of my throwing knives. So, the corset went over my shirt. When I stepped out from the screen I looked at Erik, he had a weird look on his face.

"What?" I asked Erik.


Erik's POV

Ana walked out behind of the changing screen. She looked beautiful, but I was shocked when I saw her in pants. Then she walked over to her bed and started to arm herself.


Ana's POV

I pulled out a strong but light sword and connected it to the top and bottom of my pants, so I could walk with it, but no one would know. I took the skirt and wrapped it around my waist. The piece of fabric went over my corset to hide the knives and daggers.

"When will they come.", Erik asked.

"I did not tell you this part, Manjeeta, said that he and everyone will be back to get me in a month."

"If they like to use you so much why did they let you go."

"They didn't I faked my death. To get away, I was safe at the De Changny. I thought that I would be safer here, but I was wrong."

"At least we have something in common."

"And what is that.", I looked back at Erik.

"We have both faked our own deaths."

The picture up of is when Ana walks away from Erik when she thinks that he thinks that she is a monster. Thank you to my readers that got my story to 150 views thank you.

I have a twitter account @ThePhantomofth6 so follow me there get extras and early snipbits of the story and news about new stories. I might have polls that to help me decide thing with the story. So comment, vote and follow


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