Chapter 21

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Erik's POV

She was shivering. I thankfully had grabbed two blankets, we made it to the opening that I once brought Christine. I put Ana down and draped one of the blankets around her.

"Thank you", she looked up and smiled; I could feel my heart quicken. I spread out the other blanket and gestured to the blanket. We sat there for a while, Ana started to sit straight but she slowly started to lean against me.

"I am sorry for the trouble that I have caused you, Erik.", Ana said her voice very soft.

I maneuvered myself, so I could see her face. She was slowly falling asleep. I slowly and softly kissed the top of her head. I started to sing the lullaby that Angel and I worked on all those years ago. As I got to the part where Angel would always start to sing, Ana started to sing. Her voice was beautiful. Once she was done singing; I carried her to her room and placed her on her bed. Wishing her sweet dreams.

After I put Ana to bed I went to the music room and found Christine waiting. We did not speak for the longest time we sat there in silence. For some reason, I started to tell her about Angel.

"I used to have a friend that actually when I was younger a couple of months after my mother died. This girl was around my age."

"Was?", Christine ask.

"She died. We wrote songs together.", I looked at the sheet music that what on the table.

"One day I had my mask off and she saw my face. I was so scared that she was going to run away but I ran first and went to the forest. She followed me, I had put my mask back on. She...hugged me, she took off my masked and kissed my cheek and forehead. That was the first time someone other than my parents to show any affection to me."

"Though I was the one that ran away from you when I asked to see your face.", Christine said, looking at the ground.

"I love youChristine..." I said looking at her." But I have come to realize that it is as a friend. in love with Ana

"I am so happy for you Erik, but what was her name?", Christine asked.


"Anastasie, that Ana's actual name."

"Are you sure?"


I ran to where Ana was, excited that my Angel is here. I was happy, when I reached her room, only to find that the bed was empty and a note on her bed.

I am sorry that I have not posted in a while. So here you go a new chapter. The song up above is the lullaby that Erik and Ana sing to each other.

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