Chapter 3

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Jorgen and Nacey walked down the sidewalk of Fairy World. They were talking and laughing, just enjoying each other's company. Jorgen forgot all about Marion and more focused on his best friend. He turned to her, seeing that she was so far away.

"What's the matter?" He asked her, placing his hand on her shoulder gently.

Nacey looked at him for a brief moment before looking away again. Jorgen frowned, obviously used to having Nacey opening up to him. He was about to ask again when she spoke.

"Do you blame me?" She asked him, sounding like she was about to cry.

Jorgen instantly knew this was about Timmy. Everytime Marion was around her, she would constantly ask Jorgen if there was something - anything - she could have done to stopped his disappearance.

Jorgen sighed as he softly answered, "You ask me that everytime Marion gets to you. There was nothing anyone could've done."

Nacey protested, "But we had our assignment. To protect Timmy and Chloe."

Jorgen pointed out, "And you were, Nance. I mean, for Grambi's sake here, you can't do everything. You shouldn't have to."

Nacey slightly teased, "Swearing to the king of the Overthere? How very Mushroom Kingdom of you."

Jorgen ignored that as he responded, "Hey, to be completely fair, you helped me with what happened to Winston. I owe you."

Nacey looked solemn as she muttered, "You don't owe me anything."

Jorgen instantly forgot where he was or what they were doing the minute he bringed Nacey close to him. Their lips were inches apart as they stared into each other's eyes. Nacey could have sworn she heard her heart pounding in her chest. How could one fairy commander throw off so much? Before she knew what was happening, Jorgen kissed her. A kiss she gladly returned.


Meanwhile, at the Fairy Academy, Marion poofed into the halls of the magical school. He looked in a few classrooms before finally entering the library. Many fairy students and teachers were there but two of them caught his eye.

One was Poof and the other was a girl. Poof had hair fully grown out, completely purple. He has two bangs that are completely straight and the middle bang curls down, purple eyes, wearing a dark purple dress jacket, a light purple undershirt, his Dad's black tie, dark purple dress pants, dark purple dress shoes, Timmy's old pink hat as his crown, silvery wings, and his Mom's old wand. The girl was named Rose. Her hair is a beautiful curly red color, rose eyes, rose crystal earrings, wearing a rose short sleeved blouse with a white collar, blue jeans, white sneakers, a golden shiny crown, silver wings, and a gold wand.

Ten years ago, her family completely abandoned her at this place, the Fairy Academy. There was no note, no nothing, just her in a rose blanket. She was rather shy to everyone in the beginning but eventually warmed up to Poof and his family. Marion floated over to them, gaining Rose's attention.

She asked, "Marion? What are you doing here?"

Marion rolled his eyes as he answered, "I ditched Jorgen. He was eyeing Nacey again. I swear if he knew how to keep his eyes to himself, he would avoid one Nacey Cortex since he clearly still has feelings for her."

Poof rolled his eyes in annoyance and sarcastically asked, "There anything else you wanna say about it?"

Marion didn't pick up on Poof's sarcasm as he explained, "I would but not in a library with two kids. Even if you two are the same age according to Earth law."

Rose sighed and started to reply, "Marion. You are soon-to-be the fairy commander. That is a huge responsibility..."

"Not one I wanted to take thanks to my Dad..." Marion interrupted.

Rose ignored his interruption and pointed out, "Look, the point being is we all graduate in two weeks. Poof is finally gonna be an official fairy godparent."

Poof slightly blushed and added, "Well so are you, Rose."

Rose smiled at him as she replied, "You can't be so inconsiderate all of the time. You will have no friends two years of Earth time into your new job. Possibly less time if you do tick off Nacey enough to make her retire early."

Marion defended, "I am not inconsiderate. I just rather prefer someone my age to be the presiding magical being. Not someone that could be my Mom."

Poof teased a bit, "Actually, if Jorgen did finally kiss Nacey, she would be your cousin-in-law."

Marion's eyes flew wide in horror as he groaned, "Oh, how awful... I have to make sure that does not happen!"

With that, Marion left the two of them be as Poof laughed quietly. He turned to Rose, seeing she wasn't laughing. In fact, she glared at Poof a bit.

He asked, "What? He had it coming Rose. You can't deny it."

Rose's face softened as she answered, "I know that. But he won't stop being inconsiderate unless we give him an intervention."

Poof told her, "Look, I'm all for trying to help others, don't get me wrong. But we can say things to him til we are blue in the face and it would never register."

Rose replied, "Meh, fair point. I guess change sometimes does have to come from the heart."

That reminded Poof as he brought out a red colored heart shaped box. Rose looked at it curiously then at Poof.

Poof started to say, "Speaking of hearts..."

That's when he opened the box and inside was a piece of paper.

Rose asked, confused, "You want to give me a piece of paper?"

Poof also looked confused, seeing the note. He took it and read it.

He complained, "Aw Dad! Of course he took the chocolates for Mom... And here I thought he took them for the chocolate world..."

Rose started to say, "Uh...Poof?"

Poof got his attention back on her as he sighed, "I'm sorry Rose. I was trying to ask you to the Homecoming Dance with me and..."

Rose's eyes lit up as she kissed Poof happily. Poof returned the kiss, swearing if he wasn't floating, he would be floating right now. Rose broke the kiss as Poof nearly fainted.

"Oops..." Rose said, sheepishly. "He is a lot like Cosmo...but so much better..."


Wishmaker1028: Thought that would be cute to let Poof have a girlfriend. A love interest of his own. Hope you all enjoyed! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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