Chapter 12

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Present Day

Timmy and Trixie arrived a little later as the group went to go get ice cream. Wanda and Juandissimo paid for themselves, Sparky, Timmy, and Remy. Cosmo and Iris paid for themselves, Chloe, and Trixie. As they enjoyed their ice cream, Chloe looked over at Remy. While she wasn't wary of him like Timmy was, she was still curious. She walked over to him, grabbing his attention.

She told him, "Look, I don't know what happened between you and Timmy. Probably not my place to know. But if you did anything to hurt help me..."

Remy was a bit startled at first. He wasn't expecting that. He looked over at Timmy, whom was talking to Trixie, not really paying attention. He looked back at Chloe. He had to admit...she was beautiful.

Her blonde hair was long and went down to her back and it been pulled back into a beautiful ponytail. She had beautiful sapphire eyes with freckles on her face...and a smudge of chocolate ice cream on her cheek. Remy looked away from her cheek and at what she was wearing.

She had a red short sleeved blouse on with a yellow lace trim, a small red pocketbook, blue jeans, and yellow sneakers. Remy boldly licked the chocolate ice cream off of her cheek, kissing it as he did. Chloe was stunned, a big blush on her face.

She was about to protest when Remy placed a finger to her lips. Chloe was a beat red as Remy was blushing lightly.

"You don't need to be concerned about that, sweet stuff." Remy flirted.

"Sweet stuff?" Chloe repeated, a bit flustered.

Timmy turned to Trixie and whispered, "He hurts my sister, he will wish he never met me."

Trixie lightly teased, "Be careful what you wish for."

Timmy waved his hand. He knew Trixie was right but he still felt that way. It was true that Chloe and him didn't see eye-to-eye when they were younger but now Timmy always had Chloe's back. And he was going to keep it that way.

Chloe stepped away from Remy as she hissed, "How about you tell me the truth for once handsome rich boy?"

Remy smirked upon hearing her complement and asked, "Handsome, eh?"

Chloe turned red with bashfulness as she answered, "Quit changing the subject! I thought you were dating Veronica Star!"

Remy looked sad briefly as he stated, "Alas, Veronica was more interested in dating Chad. I didn't realize that until it was almost too late."

Chloe's face softened and apologized, "I'm sorry Remy."

Remy shook his head as he stated, "No need for apologizes. I had what was coming to me."

Trixie frowned when she heard that. She had always ragged on Remy when they were younger because of his attitude. She didn't mean it later on of course as seeing Remy had grown up.

" did you know I was the Chosen One?" Timmy finally asked.

Remy and Chloe both looked at him. Chloe was thankful for the sudden subject change.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Remy questioned, a tad confused.

Timmy explained, "I mean you weren't there during the Darkness battle. The ones that were there are: Jorgen, Nacey, my fairies with the exception of Sparky, Trixie, AJ, Chester, Turbo Thunder, Crocker, Dark Laser, Mark Chang, Vicky, and...our parents. No one else outside of them, except the fairies, knew. did you find out about what happened...?"

Remy was baffled as he commented, "What kind of question is that?"

Wanda stated, "A question that needs an answer."

Cosmo added, "Yeah, you are the monkey that ate my banana!"

Wanda facepalmed as she corrected, "Cosmo, you idiot! He's the one that almost had us killed!"

Chloe's eyes went wide and breathed, "He what?!" That's when Chloe slapped him and huffed, "You jerk!"

Remy rubbed his cheek as he started to protest, "Now wait a minute..."

Chloe interrupted, "Oh, I'm sorry. Is someone talking? Cause I can't hear them!"

Chloe walked off as Remy followed her. Timmy sighed. He just wanted to know why Remy knew he was the Chosen One.

"That could've gone better..." Trixie admitted.

"Yeah well...he had it coming." Timmy told her.

"I know but..." Trixie started to say. But that's when she saw Timmy's face. She sighed as she replied, "I am sorry. I know you want to know the truth."

"I do. Cause how many other people know?" Timmy asked.

"That message went as far as Brightburg." A familiar voice said behind them.


Meanwhile, Chloe was storming off still as Remy was behind her. He honestly didn't know why he was following her. He didn't know her that well. He had heard of her but this was the first time he had seen her in person. And now he had to stop her running off.

"Chloe! Please listen to me!" Remy begged.

Chloe placed her hands up to her ears and yelled, "La la la! If someone is talking to me, I'm not listening!"

Remy huffed as he ran in front of Chloe, grabbing her hands gently into his. Chloe blushed, her heart skipping a beat. Remy stroke her cheek gently, making both of them blush.

He stated softly, "I know you didn't know me then. And it is true that I did try to murder Cosmo and Wanda. I was too blinded my thirst of revenge to realize what I was doing. I felt angry towards your brother for having fairy god parents and parents that both loved him while I had only Juandissimo."

Chloe sharply reminded him, "Well you didn't have to try and murder his fairies! Especially now you - of all people - know how bad our parents are."

Remy sighed sadly and replied, "I know, I'm sorry. I would never hurt your brother or you. Ever. You have my word as a gentleman."

Chloe joked, "You are a gentleman?"

Remy chuckled at that as he leaned in towards Chloe. Chloe's eyes widen in shock the minute Remy's lips touched hers. She relaxed as she closed her eyes, returning Remy's kiss. It was electrifying. Was she falling in love with Remy Buxaplenty? She barely knew him...

But the kiss...tasted a lot like cotton candy to her.


Wishmaker1028: Well that happened. Sorry for no update yesterday, I was playing Pokemon: Ultra Moon. I had gotten to the Electric trial, won, and stopped for the night. So everyone, please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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