Chapter 22

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Present Day

Dimmsdale started to shake early in the morning, waking the team that was asleep in the Turner house. Timmy ran outside and saw the entire city in chaos. Everyone was running and screaming in fear. Trixie gasped when she saw the chaos and she wasn't the only one.

" is this happening?" Juandissimo asked, perplexed.

"I don't know..." Iris answered, just as confused.

"We better figure out what's going on, brother." Chloe advised.

Timmy nodded in agreement and just when he was about to wish them to Fairy World, he disappeared in a flash of dark pink light.

"Timmy!" Trixie shouted, in shock.

"Where did he go?" Sparky asked, his eyes wide.

"We can't figure that out right now. We need to save Dimmsdale!" Wanda stated.

"Cookie time!" Cosmo shouted.

Wanda groaned, waving her wand and 'poofing' them to Fairy World.


With a 'poof', the group gasped upon seeing Fairy World. Not only was it starting to look like Anti-Fairy World but it was starting to fall to that darkness. The anti-fairies were there, laughing evilly. Jorgen and Nacey were together, fighting anti-fairies. Chloe took Wanda as Wanda turned into her sword. Cosmo turned into her shield as Sparky growled at the anti-fairies. Iris turned into a bow and unlimited arrows as Juandissimo turned into a big sword.

Chloe whispered, mostly to herself, "This is gonna be interesting..."

"Let's take them out before they can do anymore damage!" Wanda advised.

Chloe nodded as she started to fight. Remy and Trixie did the same, trading punches and arrows with the anti-fairies.


Meanwhile, Timmy had arrived at a huge coliseum. He looked around, seeing Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Timothy there waiting for him. He raised an eyebrow and realized that Anti-Wanda, Anti-Sparky, and Foop were there too.

Timmy raised his arms in defeat and commented, "Well, this certainly isn't fair. It is five against one, Anti-Timothy."

Anti-Timothy hissed, "You fool. You aren't here to surrender. You are here to fight me and me alone."

Anti-Cosmo perked up and started to say, "What?! But my son..."

"I can handle this, father. You just deal with the losing anti-fairies in Fairy World." Anti-Timothy instructed.

Anti-Cosmo sighed, leaving behind a small red bag. He left along with Anti-Wanda, Anti-Sparky, and Foop - whom hesitated a bit.

"Turner... Be careful." He whispered, trying not to be heard.

With that, Foop left and Timmy lowered his arms.

He questioned, "That's it? Just like that you agree with me to have a one-on-one?"

"You can't fight while you are still a human." Anti-Timothy pointed out, pointing his glowing wand at Timmy.

With a flash of dark pink light, Timmy was transformed into his fairy form. Timmy groaned. He hated the fact that he had to fight Anti-Timothy but he had no choice. At least if he died, Timmy wouldn't have to die. (Nacey had explained to Timmy years ago that while fairies and anti-fairies are total opposites of each other, it doesn't mean that once an anti-fairy dies that the fairy dies too.) Anyways, as Anti-Timothy made the first move, Timmy hoped that he could at least get to the ancient fairy dust and use it against Anti-Timothy.


Back down in Fairy World, the fight was still going. Jorgen was panting. He was starting to feel worn out from all of the fighting. Nacey had tried to summon Nina to the fight, but it was of no use. Nina couldn't have been reached.

"We put a jamming signal out to make sure that you would lose!" An anti-fairy gloated.

"No wonder my calls aren't getting through..." Nacey grumbled.

Jorgen exclaimed, "We have to keep going. This attack means that Anti-Timothy has the ancient fairy dust and is probably fighting Turner right now!"

"I know that!" Nacey stated, her demur changing from frustration to worry.

"Well then why don't you show us how it is done then, Champion?" A familiar male British voice asked, grabbing their attention.

Nacey and Jorgen both turned, seeing Anti-Cosmo arriving. All of the anti-fairies flew to him. Anti-Cosmo snapped his fingers and placed a shackle around Chloe's left foot. She dropped to the ground.

"Oof!" She grunted.

"Chloe!" Remy yelled, starting to run towards her. But his attempt was quickly interrupted by Anti-Sparky, whom got in between Remy and Chloe. "Why you..." Remy started to say.

"If you don't want me to bite her, you back off, Buxaplenty!" Anti-Sparky threatened.

"You wouldn't..." Juandissimo gasped.

"Try me!" Anti-Sparky warned, getting closer to Chloe's head.

"Eep!" Chloe shrieked.

"Leave her alone! I'll do as you say, just leave her alone!" Remy begged, the tears evident.

Chloe was touched by this as she squirmed a bit. As this was happening, Trixie and Iris were getting close to Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda. Both of them were trying to be quiet as Trixie launched a dozen arrows at them. It didn't hurt them but it was enough to distract Anti-Sparky away from Chloe. Remy saw his chance and quickly rushed the anti-fairy dog, getting him away from the blonde.

"You are too late, Tang." Anti-Cosmo stated, turning to Trixie and Iris. "Soon, my son will be the true ruler of Fairy World!" He proclaimed.

"Not today, fang face!" Trixie and Iris promised at the same time.

Trixie snapped her fingers. With a 'poof', Iris had turned her into a ninja. She was wearing a purple ninja outfit with purple ninja stars, whom were Iris. Trixie threw them at the anti-fairies with quick speed and got out of dodge just as fast. Jorgen saw this and took a deep breath. He bellowed as Nacey turned pure white. She followed behind Jorgen's charge as they took out the other anti-fairies. Foop, during the chaos, fled from the scene.


But the darkness in Fairy World was starting to grow. As their battle was going a bit better than before, Timmy's battle was only getting worse. He was growing weaker. Not only did he not know anything about fairy magic but Anti-Timothy knew every move he made before he made it. Timmy hated to admit it but he knew he was in trouble.

As he panted, he decided to think about his next move. He thought, 'He has deflected me move for move. He's so much stronger. There's just got to be away to figure out his weakness!'

Anti-Timothy saw the conflict within Timmy and asked, coldly, "What's wrong? Can't seem to fight me?"

"I'm doing fine, thank you very much!" Timmy hissed.

Anti-Timothy only chuckled darkly as he stated, "Whatever lie you have to tell yourself. Clearly, I'm much stronger than you in battle. First I will defeat you and then I'll go after your fairies. And your friends after that. Oh...and what about that little organization that no one else knows about but you? Clearly you aren't worthy to be their number two."

"Shut up." Timmy hissed a bit, feeling his anger rising.

"Funny and here I thought you wanted revenge against the man who killed your great uncle...Doc." Anti-Timothy revealed.

That pushed Timmy over an edge. Hearing that, Timmy's wand started to get brighter and brighter. But it wasn't out of anger, Anti-Timothy quickly noted. It was out of... Before he could realize what was happening, a big ball of goldish-pink light came towards him. It caused smoke as it hit him directly in the chest.


Wishmaker1028: And cliffhanger! That's where we leave it! I'm thinking of ending it in the next few chapters or so. So please stay tuned! Until then, please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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