Chapter 8

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Present Day

When Trixie was able to open her eyes again, she saw the two fairies in the room with her and Remy. She sat up, grabbing the attention of Iris.

"Oh good, you are awake!" Iris gushed, floating over to her. She asked, concerned, "Are you alright, Trixie?"

"Y - yes, I'll be fine..." Trixie answered, nodding weakly.

"We should give them sometime to recover from that shock, Iris." Juandissimo stated.

"We can't, we don't have time if Turner is trouble." Remy replied, sitting up too.

"He's not in trouble...yet." Iris responded, sounding a bit sheepish.

"What do you mean yet?" Trixie asked, sounding worried.

"We were told from Turbo Thunder that Anti-Cosmo is coming back." Juandissimo explained.

Remy paled instantly but Trixie looked a little confused. Just as Remy was about to explain to her who Anti-Cosmo was, he felt himself being transported.


Turbo Thunder groaned, rubbing the sand out of his eyes. He had just finished a mountain of paperwork and now he felt a bit sleepy. Ever since the Darkness battle, he had spent two to three years on Wonder World with his parents before moving to Fairy World. While it was true that he was no longer the Chosen One of the fairies, he still wanted to help out in someway.

He didn't enjoy that he was Jorgen's desk jockey but a job was a job. Suddenly, with a surge of magical energy, Remy and the others appeared in Jorgen's office. Turbo wasn't too surprised to see them nor the magical being that was with them. It was a nineteen year old girl. She had yellow skin, long brown hair that was tied into a braided ponytail that sat on her shoulder and brown eyes.

She was wearing a light blue short sleeved shirt, a blue denim skirt, white stockings, and white dress shoes. There was a blue bracelet on her right wrist.

"I was wondering when you would arrive...Nina." Turbo Thunder stated.

"What can I say? I'm not as fast as my Mom. But I can get the job done." Nina replied.

"Wait...that's Nina Cortex?" Iris asked, in awe.

Turbo Thunder nodded as Juandissimo winked at the brown haired beauty. Nina rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Nina Cortex? From the Crash Bandicoot video games? She's real?" Remy questioned, getting a little freaked out.

"Apparently..." Trixie commented, also freaked out.

"I know I look a little...different than what I used to look like..." Nina admitted.

"Yeah well your Uncle did a nice job on that magical bracelet." Turbo complimented.

Nina nodded in agreement as she touched the jade stone in it. A bright light enveloped her and when it disappeared, Nina looked completely different. She now had light blue skin,had partially spiked black hair, prominent buck teeth, and a permanent tattoo symboled lowercase black and grey 'N' on her head. She had her spring-loaded steel bionic hands, wearing a black dress shirt with short sleeves, a red tie, a blue, pleated miniskirt and black tanker boots.

"Whoa..." Trixie breathed, in total awe.

"How did he do that...? I thought Cortex was a total joke...not to mention evil." Remy stated, getting confused.

Nina pressed the jade stone in her bracelet again, transforming back to her good self.

"That is a long story." Nina told the kids. "And right now, we have bigger fish to fry."

"Anti-Cosmo..." Iris stated.

"Why is he coming back? Does anyone know what he is up to?" Juandissimo asked, sounding a bit perplexed.

"No one knows but Miss Cortex said to make sure we had more teens with fairies." Turbo answered.

"Why, we have no idea." Nina admitted. "All I'm doing is falling my orders."

"Oh come on, you love working on the side of good." Turbo protested.

"I do..." Nina admitted. "But I just hope that I get a chance to enjoy it."


Anti-Cosmo looked down at the coffin that was in front of him. He sighed, a bit sadly. That's when a voice caught his attention.

"Well, did ya get it, Anti-Cozzie?"

Anti-Cosmo turned, seeing that Anti-Wanda had joined him. Anti-Cosmo smiled softly at his wife, showing the bag of blood and bones to her.

He answered, "Quite. And with this, he will finally come back to life."

Anti-Wanda looked into the coffin. That's when he saw an anti-fairy there. It looked exactly like both Timmy Turner and Nega Timmy. Only his skin was blue, just like any anti-fairy. He was also dressed like Anti-Cosmo too but the crown on his head was different. It was much bigger than Anti-Cosmo's.

Anti-Wanda sighed sadly as she whispered, "I hope we can get 'im back, Anti-Cozzie. Foop will love to have someone to play with!"

Anti-Cosmo rolled his eyes in annoyance as he replied, "He is not going to be a play thing for that son of yours. You and I both know that he was created for one day but rained so much havoc."

Anti-Wanda shrugged and responded, "Eh, if ya ask me, you always seem to put down Foop. Ya gotta give 'im a chance."

Anti-Cosmo told his wife sharply, "I will never give Foop a chance...unless he kills me."

Anti-Wanda paled a bit as she started to nag, "Well that ain't nice..."

"We're not supposed to be nice." Anti-Cosmo hissed a bit. He calmed down a bit, seeing the worry in her dark pink eyes. He kissed her forehead and promised, "I'm sorry, my sweet. But the day he attacked me was the day I stopped caring. He should've known better." He pointed at the coffin and added, "And he knew better...our dearly departed son...Anti-Timothy..."

"I wanna have 'im back..." Anti-Wanda nearly whined.

Anti-Cosmo left the blood and bones in the coffin. He went to the library and took out the spell book.

He promised, "This will bring him back, my dear."

Anti-Wanda looked dejected as she mumbled, "Not 'im..."

With that, she floated away from the coffin and for the first time in her immortal life, away from Anti-Cosmo. Anti-Cosmo kept his focus on one thing...the coffin. Ever since that one time Anti-Timothy was alive, he wanted another chance to have the real ruler of the anti-fairies back. He believed that Anti-Timothy was more like his son than his actual son. He rubbed the sleep away from his eyes. While he did need his rest, he felt so exhausted...

Anti-Cosmo closed his eyes, allowing sleep to take him to Nightmare Ridge. It was there, he had nightmares about better days, especially when he used to come here often to meet up with Bill Cipher. He had to admit, he missed the dream demon. But Anti-Cosmo knew that he would never see him again. There was change coming and he didn't know whether to embrace it...or be afraid of it.

The anti-fairy commander thought, 'This is the first time I came here in so long that Bill hasn't been here... What is wrong with me... Why do I feel this way... Why do I feel so...lost...'


Wishmaker1028: Sorry for the bit of delay, I was looking something over. I am rather enjoying this. This has been really fun to do so far. Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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