Chapter 14

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Present Day

When Anti-Cosmo woke, he had seen that he was wrapped in a blanket and in his bed. He was puzzled by this at first until he saw Anti-Sparky asleep at his feet. Anti-Cosmo scratched behind his ears carefully, not trying to wake the anti-fairy dog. Anti-Sparky never woke, just wagged his tail happily in his sleep. Anti-Cosmo slowly got up and went into the kitchen.

He magically prepared himself some tea, seeing a framed picture on the kitchen counter. It was of him, Anti-Wanda, Foop, and Anti-Sparky at one point in time when there was no drama. While Anti-Cosmo rarely wallowed in his own self pity, he felt awful right now. He felt like he was going to loose his family...because he wanted his first born back.

Anti-Cosmo sipped at his tea slowly as he thought, 'Am I really doing the right thing? I wasn't so conflicted when I summoned the Darkness here. I knew what I was doing, I was completely focused. But at that time...' He looked at the picture again as he felt the presence of another. Thinking it to have been Anti-Sparky, Anti-Cosmo wasn't too worried.

"I didn't mean to wake you, Anti-Sparky. I just wanted tea." The anti-fairy commander said dismissively.

"Your Chinese tea? You only have that when you are having doubts." A familiar voice pointed out behind him.

Anti-Cosmo turned around and to his surprise, the Head Pixie was there. He hadn't seen HP in a very long time, since the two of them decided to abduct Poof and use his fairy magic to take over the world. But Pixie World had entered a civil war. One half was loyal to Sanderson while the other half was loyal to HP.

"HP...? I haven't seen you in the longest time. What brings you to my realm?" Anti-Cosmo asked, trying to change the subject.

"Rumors has it that you are trying to resurrect Anti-Timothy." HP answered, cutting to the chase.

"It is a small realm then." Anti-Cosmo sarcastically stated.

The anti-fairy returned to sipping his Chinese tea, still in deep thought. The head pixie saw this as he shook his head with a chuckle.

"This one must be a doozy if you are still sipping that ol' tea." HP observed.

"Hey, Chinese tea is very soothing, if you didn't know." Anti-Cosmo stated, trying to get the subject off of him.

HP placed his hand on Anti-Cosmo's shoulder and replied, "AC... I know you have lost a lot lately. First your son is alive for one day, then your other son is a complete wimp, then your wife leaves because she wants Foop to come back into your good graces. And then, the fact that you can't face... Bill Cipher is dead."

Anti-Cosmo smashed his cup upon hearing that as he hissed, "Bill Cipher was my friend! He couldn't have died like that!"

HP waved both his hands in defense and replied, "Accept it or not, he's gone. And you are worried that you will kill the bucket next. That's why you are so insistent of bringing Anti-Timothy back. In your eyes, he would be the perfect ruler. He would be able to ruin all. There's just one problem to that. He's going to die too one day, with no heir to the throne."

Anti-Cosmo pointed out sharply, "We are immortal, HP. We don't die."

HP corrected, "That's right. We become lost in the stars. Fairies become stars, join the fairy warriors that protect the skies. While we become shooting comets and pixie dust. Our time is coming to an end, AC. We can't stop it."

Anti-Cosmo replied, "Well, I might have more magic in me if I didn't summon the Darkness all of those years ago."

HP snorted, "Oh please, that's not what slowed you down. It was killing Jorgen's one and only godchild, Winston De Lesile, to expose his weakness. You got more than you bargained for on that one."

Anti-Cosmo added, "And then that magical being just had to stop it. She just had to stop Jorgen from pummeling me into the ground."

"Hey, to be completely fair, she didn't have to do that." HP pointed out smugly.

Anti-Cosmo stiffened a laugh as he groaned, "I hate when you do that. Be right."

HP shrugged simply, "I am never right all the time, AC. You aren't either. It's like the mortals say: 'You are only human'."

Anti-Cosmo took this in for a minute as he sat down on the couch. HP joined him, sitting on the right. The two of them didn't speak a word to the other at first. They just sat there in silence and before Anti-Cosmo knew it, next to him, was pixie dust. Anti-Cosmo said nothing but floated up and away from the couch.


That night, Anti-Cosmo had gotten everything set up. Anti-Sparky was with him, hiding out of sight. Anti-Cosmo took out the spellbook and started to chant darkly. The coffin shook violently as Anti-Cosmo's eyes glowed a dark green. With a flash of dark pink light, an explosion occurred, shaking the entire castle.

Anti-Cosmo was flung away from the coffin as Anti-Sparky ran to him.

"Anti-Cosmo! Are you okay?" Anti-Sparky asked, worried.

"Yes, I'm fine..." Anti-Cosmo answered, barely getting up.

As they looked forward, they saw Anti-Timothy floating in front of them. He had one blue eye and the other was a silver color. He looked at them menacingly.

" did it..." He told Anti-Cosmo.

"I told you I would." Anti-Cosmo replied, floating up slowly but then falling down a bit.

"Take it easy, Anti-Cosmo..." Anti-Sparky begged, catching the anti-fairy commander.

"So...where is he...?" Anti-Timothy asked his father.

"Where's who...?" Anti-Cosmo questioned, sounding confused.

"Brother. I thought he would be here for a showdown." Anti-Timothy clarified.

"He's nothing but a wimp." Anti-Cosmo reported.

"Besides, he's still in Fairy Academy. That's where Anti-Wanda went too." Anti-Sparky added.

"Then I will deal with them later. There's something else I must attend to..." Anti-Timothy mysteriously told them.

With a wave of his wand, Anti-Timothy was gone. Anti-Cosmo was floating there, holding onto Anti-Sparky. There, in the dead silence, he knew that he had done the wrong thing. And he, once in his immortal life, was frightened.

"What have I done...?" He asked, to no one in particular.


Wishmaker1028: You raised the dead, Anti-Cosmo. That's what you did! This isn't good! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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