Chapter 21

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It was less than a week to graduation. Marion had walked up to the house of the Tooth Fairy. It was a small teal house, settled comfortably in between two houses. Marion 'poofed' in, looking around. The Tooth Fairy was in the kitchen. She raised an eyebrow upon seeing Jorgen's cousin.

"Well now, this is a surprise, Marion." Tooth Fairy told him.

Marion replied, "Well, I was hoping to talk to you."

"Talk to me about what?" Tooth Fairy questioned.

"Your affair with Henry O'Connell." Marion answered, without blinking an eye.

Upon hearing that, Tooth Fairy paled completely. Marion saw this and immediately was trying to keep his cool. He wanted answers. And he was getting them today.

Tooth Fairy decided to keep her poker face and asked, "Where did you get an idea like that from?"

Marion answered, "Don't try to play coy. I have been trying to side with you about the whole thing about it being Nacey's fault about your marriage falling apart. And then I find out recently that it wasn't her fault, it was yours."


Jorgen had 'poofed' into Nina's house, wondering where the girl was. He found her laying on the bed, gripping the wandbowl close to her chest.

"You alright? I've been trying to call you all day..." Jorgen stated slowly, upon seeing her in the state that she was.

"Marion and I had a fight." Nina replied, sitting up on the bed.

Jorgen raised an eyebrow and asked, "You had a fight?"

Nina nodded slowly as she explained, "Yeah, it might have been awhile ago but it still hurts."

Jorgen sat next to her on the bed, locking eyes with her. Nina sniffled a bit, feeling badly.

"What was the fight about?" Jorgen asked.

Nina sighed sadly, "It was about the divorce between you and Tooth Fairy. He blames Mom for it."


Tooth Fairy paled as she quickly denied, "It wasn't my fault. It was Nacey's. She couldn't keep her eyes off of Jorgen for a minute!"

Marion was a bit taken back by this. Not only was it a complete lie but it sounded like she didn't regret anything. Marion almost ran out the door in frustration. He thought, 'So Nina was right after all. It was Tooth Fairy's fault.'

He turned to her and added, "Listen, not only do I not believe you but I can tell you were lying to everyone to cover up your mistake. Letting my cousin go."

Tooth Fairy crossed her arms in front of her chest and huffed, "Are you kidding me? Henry is a much better choice than Jorgen ever was!"

As soon as she realized what she said, Marion was out the door, slamming the door. Marion was disgusted. How could he have been so blind? How was he such an idiot?

"Nina... I'm sorry..." He whispered.


Jorgen hugged Nina, whom instantly returned it after putting down the wandglobe. She sobbed into his chest. Jorgen kept her close. He knew that this girl had been through a lot in her life. After being left on the island to live with her Uncle, turning 'evil', fighting the Evil Twins, and all of this drama with what was going around her... Jorgen rubbed her back carefully, humming softly in her ear.

Nina calmed down a bit as she whined a bit, "I'm sorry for crying, Daddy. Please forgive me..."

Jorgen whispered, "I could never be mad at you, Nina. You know that..."

"I just want things to go back to the way the were..." Nina whined. "With Timmy back with us, me still basking in the victory of the Evil Twins going down by the TwinSanity Team..."

"You just miss the glory days of beating down evil, don't you?" Jorgen rhetorically asked.

Nina smiled a tad, pushing Jorgen a bit. Jorgen laughed as he started to tickle Nina. Nina yelped in surprise, starting to giggle. With a 'poof', Marion appeared. Both of them looked, seeing Marion there. And he looked like he had been crying. Jorgen saw his cue to leave, getting up from the bed, but was stopped by Marion.

In a rare moment of showing affection, Marion hugged Jorgen. Jorgen returned the hug, a bit surprised. Nina got off the bed as she smiled softly at the two cousins. She was originally trying to get Marion out of her hair but if it made him more human at the end, she was glad that she did it.

Marion parted from the hug as he whispered, "Will you two ever forgive me?"

Jorgen turned to Nina, whom nodded. Jorgen turned back to Marion as he nodded. Marion meekly smiled at his cousin.

"Hope you learned your lesson." Nina commented.

"Yes. Have all your facts before being inconsiderate." Marion stated.

"Does that mean that you will think before you speak?" Jorgen questioned.

"Knowing me, probably not..." Marion admitted sheepishly.

"At least he's honest..." Jorgen whispered, mostly to himself.

"Then you are probably gonna get more lessons like that." Nina forewarned.

Marion nodded in agreement as he responded, "As long as you are there for me at the end of the day, as my friend, then I'm okay with that."

Nina smiled a bit at that. Jorgen sighed a bit. He was glad that they were going to be friends after all of this. Marion needed a friend like that. Someone that would keep him grounded, focused, and not inconsiderate. It reminded him of the relationship he had with Nacey. But he knew that those two were better off as friends than anything else.

Jorgen decided to change the subject, "So with graduation less than a week away, you need to get studying, Marion."

Marion stated, "Yes Jorgen." He turned to Nina and asked, "Can I meet Gus one of these days?"

"One day, yes." Nina agreed, an obvious blush on her face.

Marion smiled as he and Jorgen 'poofed' out. Nina felt tears of joy rolling down her face. She thought, 'Is this how Mom feels after helping Jorgen? Pride? No wonder why she does it so often. It feels good to push someone in the right direction that they need to go. I want to do that again. I want to stay at this job.'


Wishmaker1028: A bit of a short chapter but chapter 21 is done! Sorry for the delay. Thanks @JackyBoy2017 for your help, even though we didn't do much together for this, haha. Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

Lost in the StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora