Chapter 5

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Poof had never been more excited. He and Rose were going to Homecoming together. Rose stayed at the library a bit longer as Poof headed home. He sighed sadly, looking up at Timmy's old hat.

He whispered, "I wish I knew where you were, brother..."

"We all wish we knew where he was." A familiar voice stated.

Poof looked up, knowing who that was immediately. It was an older fairy. Her hair was starting to have gray streaks in it, she had wrinkles on her face, tired pink eyes, wearing a pink long sleeved blouse, black jeans, black sneakers, copper earrings, a rusty crown, wings are starting to break, and her wand looking more of a gray color. Poof flew over to the fairy and hugged her tight, the tears in his eyes.

"Mom..." Poof cried, starting to sob on her chest.

Wanda held her son close as she rubbed his back, in between his wings. It didn't stop the tears but it was enough to calm Poof down quickly.

"We all miss Timmy." Wanda stated softly. "But we have to do what's right by him. He did what he did to give us peace." She added.

"But Foop and Anti-Rose are still out there. We still need him!" Poof protested.

"Oh honey, you know as well as I do that they are hardly evil anymore." Wanda retorted.

"I know..." Poof sniffled. "I just want him to come back..."

Wanda was holding back her tears as her son sobbed. But she eventually lost it and sobbed right along with him. The two sobbed for about an hour, eventually passing out together.


When Rose returned home, she was about to enter Poof's room to say good night. But then she saw Cosmo covering Wanda and Poof in a fuzzy pink blanket.

Cosmo's hair was completely gray and is messy, his face was really wrinkly, tired green eyes, green glasses, wearing a dark green long sleeved hoodie, black jeans, his brown loafers, a rusty broken crown, wings really broken, and his wand looking more of a gray color. He saw her, putting a finger to his lips. Rose nodded quietly as the two of them went outside.

Sparky was in the yard, looking up at the stars. He whined a little as he saw Cosmo and Rose joining him. Sparky had a few balding spots in his fur but he pretty much was the same.

He greeted sadly, "Evening Rose."

Rose petted him gently as she stated, "Aw don't whine Sparky..."

Cosmo pushed up his glasses as he added, "Yeah, things can only get butter!"

Rose ignored that as she looked up at the stars. The night air was cool, as it was the autumn. Rose sighed blissfully. She enjoyed the peace. Even though she was the only one that never met Timmy, she was grateful for the peace everyday. She looked over at Sparky, whose face was so long. Rose frowned, gaining Cosmo's attention.

"What's the matter, Rose? I thought you would love the starts." Cosmo stated.

"You mean the stars." Rose corrected.

"That too." Cosmo replied.

Rose sighed as she explained, "I do love looking at the stars. I enjoy the peace but I feel like I'm missing something."

Cosmo asked, "Missing something? You mean that you are playing a Find-It?"

Rose answered, " It means that I have so many questions. Like, why am I here? Why did my parents give me up...? Did they not love me...?"

By this time, Rose was tearing up badly. Cosmo gently lifted up her chin, kissing her forehead.

In a rare moment of clarity; Cosmo told her, "The past is something you have to live with. You can't change it. You can change the future. That's why you have today. That's why it is called the present. It is a gift." Rose's eyes were wide right now as she absorbed the rare moment of Cosmo's intelligence. He added, "As for your parents, I don't know why they left you at the Fairy Academy. There was no note when Marion found you but he found you the day we found Timmy's famous pink hat. We happen to love you, Rose. And we love that you came to live with us. You might not be our daughter - yet - but whenever the time does come...we will greet you with open arms as we always have."

Rose completely lost it at that point, crying onto Cosmo's chest. Cosmo held her close, glad that he had that moment of clarity for her in that moment. It was clear that the girl needed a family. It was also clear to Cosmo about this as well, she was a lot like Timmy. Cosmo wasn't trying to cry at the irony...the sweet yet cruel irony.

Rose curled up in Cosmo's chest and Cosmo held her tightly. He knew that Rose wasn't his daughter yet but he felt so whole right now in this moment. As if he was holding... But no, that wasn't case. He was holding Rose and right now, Rose needed him. Cosmo held onto her tight as Sparky watched them from a bit of a distance.

Sparky half smiled at the sight. He was glad that they had taken Rose in. She needed a family. She needed love. Sparky stretched a bit as he shook off a bit of the grass. He walked over to Cosmo and Rose, balling himself up at their feet. Cosmo smiled at him, calming the sweet red haired fairy down. As they stayed outside, a comet passed through by them.

Sparky whispered, "Such a beautiful sight... He would've loved it."

Cosmo looked up as he stated, "Yes, yes he would've."

Rose sniffled, now looking up at the stars. She didn't know why but she felt calmer than she had in days. As if she belonged...finally. And for that, she would be forever grateful to the Cosmas for letting her to stay with them. Rose didn't say it aloud but she was tempted to call Cosmo her father. And for some reason, she knew it felt right to her.


Wishmaker1028: Thought it was nice to have a Wanda and Poof moment along with a Cosmo, Sparky, and Rose moment. Even though it was a slower chapter, I thought it was pretty good. Enjoy everyone! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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